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How are you all?

First of all Thanks alot for your support for this book.I really appreciate your support.

Now I want to clear a few things about the story,I think this is important for you guys to know..

1:-Alot of you will think why didn't Afnan married Zaqi at first place?
Guys for us girls parents are the most important thing in life.Afnan obeyed her father's will.She trusted him and that's all.

2:-Why would Azher do such thing to Her?See everyone has some bad moments in life and they change them.In my life I've seen such people who changed so fast that I'cant recognize them.So when Azher's love of life died he changed.

3:-Why is there Zayaan instead of Zaqi?
Guys wait and watch.I assure you everything will be fine.And in last you will thank me.*Smiles evily*.

So just keep up with me and let me tell you something

I love you all...............

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