5. *

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Daniella's POV:
"oh my god! you got the jack gilinsky to reply back to you! and he followed!" jackie yells at me, looking up from her phone. i also look up from mine and see she is smiling from ear to ear. the driver of our uber rolls his eyes and i let out a small laugh.

"ion know why you're laughing." she frowns and looks back down at her phone.

"i don't know why you are making such a big deal out of this."

"dani, he's daddy af!!" she screeches. luckily, we finally reach the building i will be shooting in for at least two hours but the shoots usually take twice as long. i step out of the car after jackie and follow her into the building. as i step inside and onto the wooden floor, i instantly get swarmed with my stylists. conversations are coming at me from everywhere and they usher me away and have me start trying on clothes. ugh, no time to look for the cute guy. hopefully jackie won't embarrass me if she snoops around.


after what seems like years, i finally finish shooting and i head back to my dressing room. i pull my phone out of my pocket and begin to text while walking. i am about to hit send when i bump into something that causes my phone to fall to the ground. i look up to see what it was and surprised when i see a who. a very, very good looking who. he has on his pacsun clothes and his hair is perfectly combed and he is looking fine af. where as i on the other hand am a sweaty mess.

"shit, sorry." he chuckles, giving me a hand up.

"it's my fault." i smile and grab both phones from the ground.

"here you go..." i say and hand him his phone.

"-jack. and you are?"

"daniella, but my friends call me ella or dani."

"oh! you're the girl from instagram!"

"yeah!" i chuckle. i can't believe he actually remembers me. he gives me a small smirk and hands me back his phone.


"-put your number in." he says. i smile a little and type my number in and hand it back.

"oh my god!" i hear and soon jackie is by my side.

"hey." jack smiles. she smiles wider than before and then she gives me a devilish smirk. i look over at her and suddenly i'm in jack's arms. we both blush and jackie squeals. jack holds me close in his arms which makes me blush even more.

"awe hashtag jella!" she says and snaps a few photos.

"wait we both weren't looking!" i yell.

"gilinsky!" i hear someone yell.

"sorry lil ma but i gotta go."

"see ya around." i smile. he waves and runs down the hallway.

"oh my god, you guys totally had a moment!" jackie squeals.

"nah. i admit he's cute but we will probably never meet again." i shrug.

"whatever." she says, walking into my dressing room.

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