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Jackie's POV:
i hear slight knocking on the hotel door and i turn towards johnson who is still asleep. i quickly pull on a pair of sweats and go towards the door. i look through the peephole and see daniella on the other side. when i open the door, she runs into my arms. her clothes are slightly torn and she has some cuts on her arms. i set her down on the couch and grab some sweat pants and a t-shirt for her. she changes out of old clothes and looks up at me.

"where were you?" i ask.

"i went to get ice cream but then realized i had no money. so i waited there for three hours for jack because i told him i wanted to go there but then realized i wasn't on his mind. so then i went to the beach and just sat on a ledge and accidentally fell down and into the sand." she speaks quickly. i hug her and grab a blanket from the closet and a pillow from the bed. she smiles and lays down on the couch. i join johnson back in the bed and snuggle into him.

Daniella's POV:
when i wake up, jackie and johnson are arguing.

"you can't just keep her here and not tell gilinsky!"

"i can and did."

"he didn't sleep at all last night waiting for her to knock!"

"wow, poor baby."

"he's going to check everyone's room now and then search the whole island!"

"let him!" jackie says and rolls her eyes.

"i-. i'm sorry. he's my best friend and if you did that i would want him to tell me." he whispers. i stand up and walk over to the hugging couple.

"i'm sorry guys."

"don't be." jackie replies smiling.

"i really don't want to face him yet..." i whisper.

"don't worry. i have clothes you can borrow- oh shit the meet up is today."

"in half and hour!" johnson says starting to rush. he texts in the groupchat to wake everyone up. i shower first and then jackie does and we get to work on our hair. the fans probably don't want to meet us but you have to look good in the background! we finish quickly and i do light makeup with jackie's stuff; thank the lord we have the same skin tone. i grab a sun dress from her suitcase and quickly throw it on along with the sandals i had on.

"gilinsky is already in a car there so you don't have to face him yet but you will eventually." johnson says coming out of the closet looking fresh. i nod and sigh. we all go downstairs and load into a car. my phone starts to go off with text messages and i see gilinsky's name appear. i turn my phone back off and sigh when we reach the 'venue.' when i step out, bodyguards surround us as hundreds of fans try to get to us. we walk over to the sandy beach and i watch gilinsky continue to have his head down and on his phone. skate sees me and taps gilinsky's shoulder. he looks up and his eyes meet mine. he stands up and i look away. when we reach the others, jack runs up to me and embraces me in a hug.

"daniella..." he sighs.

"where were you? are you okay? what happened? why didn't you come back? i stayed up all night." he whispers. i look up at him and shake my head and go and sit down on one of the seats.

"dani-" he cries. i feel bad for doing this to him but he told me he loved madison. he told me she knew him. he told me all that bullshit and it hurt. the fans start to line up in-front of the stage and gilinsky takes a bodyguard and walks away. don't go, don't go, don't go. i watch as he wipes his tears and then comes back over. he sits down in his assigned seat (next to me) and one of the radio hosts introduces the guys and then they start a 'q & a' session. everyone shoots their hand up and the radio host hands another mic to the guest and to the next and to the next. all the guys get asked questions and it goes pretty smooth until,

"hey guys! my name is katie and i have a question for daniella." katie says. i sit up straighter and grab onto my microphone.

"are you and gilinsky still together? did you make him cry?"


"we are still together. we got into a stupid fight last night and i yelled at her. but i love her and you guys should too. she's beautiful, hardworking, sweet, funny, sexy, and actually understands me. i have never felt more myself than when i'm around her. i messed up pretty bad and she didn't come back to the hotel. i was worried and freaking out and going crazy. and i know it sounds cliche but i was crazy in love with her. and we will have a lot of small fights and we will cry but that's us but we will always love each other... at least, i hope." jack says and holds my hand. i nod and smile. he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses them slowly and the crowd awes while some of them boo and yell for madison. the radio host quiets the crowd and then explains how the meet and greet will work. basically, each of us have our own area (excluding girlfriends, they can roam) and the fans have to be single file and the guys will get to as many people as they can. gilinsky pulls me with him before i can stand up and when i start to stumble, he picks me up and carries me over to his spot.

"jack put me down my dress is riding up my ass!" i demand trying to hold it down. i feel the scruff of his face pass against my thigh and know he's looking at it. we reach a spot and he sets me back down,

" you look gorgeous today." he smiles.

"and what did i look like yesterday? ugly?" i question. jack freezes,

"um- no. i mean you are always pretty. yesterday you were cute and pretty and um today-"

"thank you and we still have to talk." i whisper, interrupting him. he nods slowly and the bodyguards distribute into groups and then the fans run. a line forms around gilinsky and he starts taking pictures. fans kiss his cheek, he kisses theirs, and i stand away. gilinsky asks for a break and he runs over to me.

"baby, come take pictures with us." he smiles.

"they aren't here to see me, g. and i also don't feel like it." i mumble. he swipes his thumb on my cheek and nods, kissing my forehead. i hate how he thinks i can just forgive him and go back to normal when he said he wanted to get back with madison. i watch as he walks back over to his fans and i mess around in the sand by the tides. jackie comes over to me and we agree to walk to starbucks. as we start to walk my phone starts to blow up. jackie gets a phone call and we both look at each other.

"hello?" jackie asks, answering he call and putting it on speaker.

"you and dani need to get back here now!" johnson yells.

"babe, what's wrong? we are just getting a drink."

"is daniella with you?" he asks.

"yeah, i'm here j." i whisper.

"dani, gilinsky got into a fight at the beach."

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