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Daniella's POV:
i haven't been able to stop crying. my stomach hurts and my head is pounding. luckily, nobody is home to hear my screams and sobs. the lines on my wrists are only getting deeper and are duplicating. i can't believe jack, such a douche. he says he loves me but is with madison? how the hell does that work? and now both of their fans are coming after me. how can people be so mean? do they realize their words hurt? i start banging my head against the wall again when i hear the door open downstairs and feet running. i crawl into the corner and wrap my arms around my legs.

"daniella!" jack yells. wait is that johnson or gilinsky?

"daniella, please!" it's gilinsky. fuck. i crawl into my closet and quickly shut the door.

"g?" johnson yells.

"johnson! i'm freaking out. i can't find her!" jack yells back. i hear feet going upstairs and then across the house.

"daniella!" johnson yells. i hear someone come into my room and hold my breath. they walk into my bathroom and look all over my bed and then they near my closet. please, please don't open it. the door opens and i burst into tears. i open them slightly to see skate.

"dani-" he says and holds me in his arms. i cry into his shoulder and the other guys come into the room. skate holds on to me and i continue to sob.

"she's bleeding." skate whispers.

"i'll call 911." johnson says quietly and leaves the room. the ambulance arrives quickly and i hold on to skate, not letting go. they decide to let him come with me and work around him.

"please calm down, beautiful." he whispers. i whimper as they stick an iv into my arm and set my head on his shoulder. they take us into the hospital and skate sits by me as they stitch up my arms and place new bandages on them. the doctor whispers something to him and he nods. the doctor leaves and skate scoots closer.

"hey babe."


"you cut it close today. you lost a lotta blood so you're going to feel woozy as they give you some back." he whispers and strokes my hand. i nod slightly and look down at his hand.

"the also gave you a sedative. but i will be right here until you wake up." he says and gives me a small smile. i nod slightly as my eyes close.


Skate's POV:
it's been two hours since daniella fell asleep. the doctor's aren't allowing any visitors until she has a consult with a psychologist and the guys are getting agitated. everyone has really gotten close to dani lately and farther from jack. he looked devastated at her house. i knew he felt bad and wished that he was the one comforting her. there's a knock on the door and a doctor enters.

"hi, i'm doctor dana, the psychologist, and you are?"

"nate maloley."

"nice to meet you. for this evaluation, only partners and family are allowed in. are you her friend? boyfriend? brother?"

"i'm her... boyfriend." i answer quickly. i shake dani's hand slightly and she grumbles.

"hey babe. the doctor is here to talk to you." i whisper. she nods her head and i help her sit up.


after the doctor leaves, daniella starts to cry again.

"please don't cry." i whisper.

"i can't stop. the doctor made it seem worse."

"i know, but you need to get better. you need to be the smiley and sexy dani again."

"i was never sexy..." she cries, looking up at me.

"fuck dani, yes you are. i got a boner every time i saw you." i say, smirking. she laughs slightly and wipes away her tears.

"skate, you are actually really nice."

"don't tell anyone my secret babe." she laughs again and i hear a knock on the door.

"come in." i say and johnson, sammy, stassie, jackie, and cam enter.

"hey everyone." dani says and hides her arms.

"hey, we came to see how your doing and to drop off some clothes and balloons." jackie says and sets everything down.

"you look really tired d." johnson sighs, sitting down next to me. daniella nods and scoots her legs towards her.

"they gave me a sedative." she whispers. everyone else sits down as she explains what happened. she was about to say something else when the door opens and in comes gilinsky.

"hey guys." he says in a cheerful voice. it makes me sick. i let go of daniella's hand and stand up.

"what are you doing here g?" i demand. he holds up a bear holding a balloon and a card.

"to see dani." he says and sets the gifts down on the table.

"you can leave now." i say, clenching my teeth.

"why? i think daniella would rather me here than you." he smirks.

"you are the reason she's here! you and your stupid girlfriend!" i yell. jack shakes his head and then suddenly snaps and starts to run at me but johnson and sammy hold him off.

"i fucking love daniella and you just showed up!" he yells.

"i am starting to like her too! and guess who she held onto? me! she held onto me and would not let go!" i yell back. jack starts to fight back but isn't able to get close.

"both of you sit down!" daniella yells, a scratchy sound in her voice.

"yes, i tried to kill myself because of jack but also because of his fans. i am not going to choose between the both of you. you can remain my friends while i work on myself or not." she whispers. both of us nod and she looks over at everyone else.

"guys, i'm getting discharged tomorrow. we can do something then." she whispers. everyone nods and says their goodbyes. jack and i only remain. i watch as she falls asleep and grab her hand again. jack grabs her other hand as her breathing levels out. game on gilinsky.

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