44.* (MATURE)

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Daniella's POV:
after the whole jack j and jackie fiasco, all the girls decide to finish sun bathing and move over to the sun. i feel something cold on my back and groan, i hate being cold. i feel hands massaging the cold all over me and look up.

"couldn't let my baby burn." jack smirks moving his hand down my back and over my ass. he kneads his hands and i sigh in content, his hands feel amazing. he slips his fingers between my legs and they run over my folds. i dart up and look at him.

"what...... i'm making sure to get it in..." he whines while smirking. i sit up and roll my eyes. i see the sunscreen on the ground and pick it up, squeezing some out. i rub it over his chest and abdomen and the plunge my hand into his swim shorts, giving him a slight hand job. i stop and he groans. i start shuffling away and he chases after me.

"dani!" he whines. i run back around the boat and hide in a shaded corner and hold on. jack smirks and easily picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"jack! jack wait! put me down! jack!" i yell as we move towards the open end of the boat. he tries to throw me into the water but i hold on and he falls in with me.

"jack!" i scream.

"baby girl!" he mocks me. i roll my eyes and hold onto his neck.

"this is almost like our first date." he whispers.

"but we were naked and i think we were making out." he smirks. i roll my eyes for the hundredth time and lightly press my lips to his. we release slowly and float around. the other guys who have been snorkeling, board the boat and jack and i make our way over. we climb up and sit on the side, holding hands. nate drives us back to shore and we all head back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. i am in just my bra at the moment looking for something nice to wear while jack is in the shower. i hear the water stop and i turn around to a sexy jack. he has water all over his body, hair messy, and his v-line showing. i bite my lip to stop myself from hanging my jaw open and look away. jack walks over to me and unlatches my lip from my teeth.

"don't do that." he groans. i simply nod and he brings his arm around my waist.

"fuck. the things i would do to you..." he smirks and runs his hands down my ass.

"tell me." i whisper.

"i'm already horny and if we don't stop now, we will be late to dinner." he sighs. he grabs a maroon shirt and pair of pants and quickly moves to the sleeping area to change.

"fuck! dani!" he yells as i am changing into a maroon dress.

"can you suck me off, my dick is too hard." he whines. he comes over to the closet as i am smoothing out my dress in the back, over my bare bum.

"daniella, change into underwear. now." he groans.

"all for you, g." i smirk.

"daniella..." he groans.

"daddy g." i reply, mocking him like he did earlier. he suddenly pushes me up against the door and i feel my dress move up. he sticks a finger into me and slowly pumps in and out.


"this is only mine, okay?" he asks. i nod quickly but he continues.

"not johnson's, not sammy's, and definitely not nate's." he whispers in my ear. i nod slowly and grind my hips against his finger.

"all yours daddy." i whisper. he kisses along my neck and all the way down the top of my dress.

"dani, you are beautiful..."

"don't stop" i whisper as he continues to draw circles on my clit. i put my head into his neck and slowly bite and suck on the skin.

"fuck, stop. i need my dick to go down." he whines. he removes his fingers and suddenly thrusts in. he pumps rapidly and suddenly he stops.

"jack!" i yell. he pants slowly and kisses my neck.

"mine." he whispers. i run to the bathroom and slowly try to get the cum leakage down. i finally get most away and fix my dress and leave with a smirking jack. i roll my eyes and feel a slap on my ass.

"don't roll your eyes at me." he pouts. i smile and press my lips to his. we find the others waiting at the restaurant and we quickly take our seats.

"damn g." sammy snickers, looking up at us. this causes everyone else to look up from their menus and look at me.

"yes sir, gilinsky." johnson smiles and looks back down at his menu. i look to jackie and she takes a picture. she turns it to me and i gasp. my neck is full of hickies. i glare at gilinsky but i see him sucking on his fingers and talking with the guys. he gives me a slight wink and i groan.

"i don't have any makeup, what if someone sees?" i whine.

"i think that's the point. he wanted nate and everyone to see you guys are a couple." jackie smiles, looking down at her menu.

"i guess so." i groan. i look up and see nate's eyes on me. he frowns and shakes his head. i quickly pull out my phone and dm him. he looks at his phone but doesn't answer. i slip out of the booth and drag nate out of his end and march to a private area.

"what the hell dani?" he asks, rubbing his arm.

"what's going on?" i ask.

"you know i like you lil ma, and it hurts seeing you with jack."


"and then all of these hickies on your neck. it hurts knowing he was the one who held you and got to do this and not me." he whispers, rubbing his thumb on my neck.


"daniella, i love you. i am willing to change my whole life for you. i'll cut off all my hoes, stop drinking, stop getting high, everything. just to be with you."

"nate, i-i don't know what to say. i'm in a relationship with g and you can't break the bro code over me. i promise you will find someone better than me one day."

"better than you? dani you're crazy. you are literally perfect and it's not fair. i want you."

"nate, i'm sorry but no. i am in a realationship right now and i want to be friends." i whipser. he nods sadly and gives me a long, hard hug.

"i don't want to lose you." he whispers,

"we'll still be friends, i promise." i whisper, my head on his chest.

Jack's POV:
"yo g, skate and dani are getting pretty cosy back there." johnson says looking behind us. i look behind me and see nate fucking maloley has his hands all over daniella. i quickly stand up and march over there. i spin daniella around, pull her waist towards me, kiss her, and lift her dress up to expose her bare ass to skate while i squeeze it.

"jack?" daniella questions, pulling away for air.

"baby, i miss you. please come back over to me?" i ask and give my best puppy dog face.

"i'm talking to skate right now, baby." she whispers.

"why are you talking to him?" i ask.

"she's telling me how great of a guy you are g. nothing else." nate replies and looks up at me with sad eyes. he mouths "drop it" and i look at dani's worried face. i see him moves his eyes to her and sigh. shit, my best friend likes my girl. a lot. i nod and escort daniella away. nate follows behind us and i push dani to her seat and talk to nate.

"i'm fine with you guys being friends, okay? she will need some people to run to when she wants to vent and sometimes it will be about me. she needs you." i whisper and scratch the back of my neck.

"i couldn't imagine not seeing her. thanks g." he says and sits down in his seat. the waiter comes over to us and we order drinks and food quickly. we immediately dig in when it arrives and engage in small talk. everything was going fine until,

"g and j, how's your new music coming along?"

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