Chapter 1: Meeting

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~~~~Chapter 1

-<Your POV>-

You walk into the post office. The mail in your hand, you close your mailbox and start to walk away. You begin looking to see what's in the mail when you trip. Mail flys eveywhere.

"Let me help you with that." says a voice. You look up to see the boy. He reaches down and helps pickup the mail.

"Thanks." You say.

"No problem. Hi, I'm Jason."

"Hi I'm (i.n.)."

"Nice to meet you." you say.

"Nice to meet you too."

You both stand there for a minute. No talking just, standing.

"So um, I know it's kind of crazy but, do you maybe want to go out to dinner or something sometime?" He asks.

Your heart races.

"I'd love to!" you say. He chuckles and gets his phone out.

"So how's... Friday night? I'll pick you up?"

"Sure that sounds great!" you say. You swap phone numbers and say goodbye. You walk out to your car and drive home thinking about how great your day has started.

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