Chapter 2: Preperations

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~~~~Chapter 2

New Plan-Update every other day

-<Your POV>-

You get home from the post office to be greeted by your best friend.

"I'm home!" you yell. Out runs your dog Scratch with your best friend Lexi.

"Oh my god Lex you won't believe what happened at the post office today."

"You.... got the mail!"

"No! Well, yes! But, uh!" you say laughing and flick her. Lexi has blonde hair and blue eyes. You've known her since preschool and has ever since been great friends. She also wears glasses but she uses contacts during the day and her black glasses before bed.

"So anyways, tell me what happened!"

"Ok! He asked me out!" you yell.

Both of you do a scream and jump. You've told Lexi about him before and you talk about him constantly.

"No way!"

"Yes way! And he's taking me out to dinner on Friday!" you both do a girly scream of excitement again.

"Oh my god! Girl, we need to get you a new dress, and makeup, and shoes-"

"Woah woah woah woah woah. I may be going out on a date that doesn't change the fact that I have no money." You say. You and Lexi live together in a small house in Encino, California.

"Ooh! What's his name?!"

"Jason." you say dreamily.

"So let's go to the store and get you at least something new to wear."

"Fine." you say and grab your purse. You run out to the car and drive to the mall.

At the mall

"How's this one?" Lexi asks holding up a dress. You shake your head disappointed.

"Ooh! What about this one!" you say pulling a purple dress off the hook. Lexi shakes her head.

"Hmmm.... oh! What about this one!" you say a pull a 3 year old Dora dress off the hook.

"Fabulous!" Lexi says. You both laugh as you hang the dress back up.

"Lex come see this one!" you say.

"Oh my god I love it!" she says.

"Ok I'm going to try it on!" you say and run to the dressing room. You come out in a long strapless red dress.

"Spin around!" says Lexi.

You twirl and the dress poofs.

"That's it. This is the dress!"

You pay for the dress and when you get home you go play some Minecraft. Although you love clothes you also love video games and record videos for YouTube.

The next day

You go out to the post office and grab the mail. You see Jason and smile at him and he does the same but it's not the same feeling as usual. Usually when you smile at him, it's a friendly smile to the guy you think is cute. Now it's a smile to the guy that's going to take you on a date later. He walks up to you.

"Hey (i.n.)." He says.


"So last night I went home and made reservations at that fancy restaurant down the street. I could never remember the name!" he says and laughs a little and you do too. he pushed his hair back. (This story takes place before he cut his hair which also mean it was before Adam, Quentin, Ty, and Decptibonk left TC)

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