Chapter 16: Big Day

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~~~~Chapter 16
I haven't really been to a wedding before. I mean I was a flower girl twice but I was to little to remember. I've been to three. The most recent one was two years ago but I was eleven so sorry if this is not how weddings work.

-<Your POV>-
It's been 5 years since Jason proposed to you. You had to put your wedding on hold due to funding problems. But today, is the big day.

Your wedding day.

Lexi and the rest of the Team Crafted girls (team crafted's girl friends) brought you out to get your makeup and hair done. You all sat in the salon getting ready. Painted nails, done up hair, makeup. You and the rest of the girls leave the salon and go back to the house where your dress is waiting. You have the dress put on you and it's zipped up. You admire the beautiful white dress in the mirror. The now-4-year-old Elizabeth or as everyone calls her, Lizzy, runs up to you and shows you her basket.

"Aunt (i.n) look at my flower basket!" she says. You kiss your beautiful flower girl and she runs off. Then, the time comes. You walk out to the isle and watch as the other people walk out. You link arms with your dad. He looks at you.

"Are you ready?" he asks as a tear streams down his face.

"Don't cry dad. Your going to make me cry!" you say holding back happy tears. You hug him and link arms. Your turn comes and Lizzy stands in front of you. She throughs out the rose pedals. She tosses one out but then walks over and picks it up and throws it again. Everyone silently chuckles. You look at Jason down at the end of the isle. He stands tall in his tux and smiles at you. You smile at him and wipe away a year as you approach. You hug and kiss our dad and he takes his seat. You stand before your amazing to-be husband.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of (i.n) and Jason. Jason, do you take (i.n) to be your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and in health?" he smiles at you.

"I do."

"And (i.n), do you take Jason to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and in health." You happily smile at him.

"I do."

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He grabs you around the waist and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss back. Everyone cheers and whistles and you keep kissing Jason. You never, want to stop. You break apart and just look at him smiling. You turn to face every one and they cheer louder and stand up. Jason picks you up bridal-style and carries you out. You all go out to a nearby park for pictures. You get bunch of pictures and even one with just the team. You all hop in a limo. The only people in the limo is Team Crafted, their girlfriends, and Liz. You all drink and have a good time when you arrive at your destination. You all hop out and go to a giant white tent. Under it, there were round tables that had chairs around them. Up front was a bunch of rectangular tables with food. You and Jason stand up front. You look at all your friends and family and Jason's friends and family. You tap your glass and get everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone!" you start.

"I just want to thank all of you for coming and being here for this special day. I really am just at a loss for words. Can I have my beautiful flower girl come up please?" you say. Lex taps Lizzy and she runs up.

"Well hello there Lizzy Bug!"

"Hi!" she said smiling. Everyone chuckled.

"I have something for you." You hand her a small purse with 99 cent lipstick inside of it and some hair clips. She takes the bag and hugs you.

"Thank you Auntie (i.n)!" she says. Everyone awws and she runs back to her seat. You go through a few speeches and hand out a few more things.

"Ok now why don't I give you all something to eat!" said Jason and some people laugh. He explains what's available and calls the tables up one by one to get their food. After everyone has something to eat, you and him sit down and eat. You talk to everyone and enjoy your meal. You hear clinging on a glass and you look out to the tables.

"Excuse me everyone!" says Mitch and Lexi. Everyone looks at them and they stand up.

"We made (i.n) and Jason let us choose their honeymoon destination and also pay for it." Said Mitch.

"(i.n) And Jason, we are sending you to Paris, France!" Said Lexi. She knew it was your dream honeymoon destination since you were kids. You cover your mouth in disbelief and everyone claps and cheers. Then a chef comes out with a big 3 layer cake. He hands Jason the knife.

"Let's do this together." He says. You walk up to the cake and you both hold the handle. You cut down creating a huge piece that you cut into smaller pieces. You and Jason hand out the pieces. After everyone had a piece, you and Jason walk up to Lexi and Mitch.

"Thank you guys so much! I can't believe you actually did that!" you say.

"Here are your tickets. Your flight leaves tomorrow at 9:00 pm. It's a week long vacation. Jason, I don't want to see a single video on your channel. Same with you (i.n)." Mitch says pointing fingers at you and Jason. You and him take the tickets and chuckle. You return to your seats. Everyone eats and talks and has a good time. Then, everyone gets back in their cars, except for the people in the limo, and you drive off to the next place. You arrive at a big building. You walk in to see a big room which no windows. The lights are dimmed and there are tables all around expect for a big section in the middle reserved for dancing. Everyone comes in and takes their seats.

"Hello everyody!" said the D.J. Everyone claps and cheers.

"Now, let's start off the night with the most important dance. The first dance." Everyone claps and cheers as you and Jason make your way to the middle of the room. Smile by Uncle Kracker comes on. You put your arms around his neck and he puts his around your waist. You away side to side as the music plays. You look at the beautiful smile you fell in love with at that day in the postoffice. He pulls you in closer and you rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his on yours. After the song ends everybody has a good time hanging out and drinking. The day ends and you go home. You and Jason go to bed. As you lay there you play with your wedding ring. You feel two warm arms wrap around you and you cuddle into your husband. You slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

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