Chapter 5: Pax

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~~~~Chapter 5

-<Your POV>-

You and Jason have been dating for 5 months now. Pax is coming up and your going with Team Crafted. You board your plane and sit next to Jason. You rest your head I his shoulder and sleep. When you wake up your at Pax. You get off your plane an go to the hotel. Once you get there you plop down on the bed.

"Uh, we're finally here!" you say. Jason chuckles at your impatience.

"Hey you know there is a Pax after party right? Mostly just a bunch of YouTubers in one place. We're going tomorrow." You sit up and clap happily.

"Yay!" Jason laughs.

"I'm going to go to bed. I want to be well rested for tomorrow." and with that you lay down.

"Yeah it's already 10:00 and we have a big day tomorrow." Jason says and cuddles up with you. You both drift into a deep sleep.

The Next Day

You wake up to your pre-set alarm. You roll over and press snooze. You get up and walk to your suitcase. From it, you take a pink tank that says 'Pink' on it and jean-shorts. You also choose a black hat. You slip on your black flats but then take one off and throw it at Jason.

"Wake up Sir Lazy!" you say he rolls over and covers his head with the blanket letting out a groan. You go over and jump on him. When he still doesn't respond, you decide to sit on him. He quickly turns over pinning you to the bed and begins to tickle you.

"Jason! Jason stop!" you say uncontrollably laughing. You kick his stomach an he retreats. He chooses a gray tee and jeans with Nike sneakers and a flat-brim hat. (Is that what those hats are called? I dunno XD) You walk down to the breakfast area and grab a quick breakfast. Afterwards, you walk to Mitch's room. You knock and he opens the door with Lexi at his side. They walk out and you go down the hall and door by door seeing the rest of Team Crafted. Once your all awake you go out and call a cab. You all stuff into a few cabs and make your way to Pax. Once you get here, you find the Machinama (did I spell that right?) stand and take your seats. After a long day of signing and walking around Pax you go back to the hotel and get ready for the party although all you need to do is reapply your makeup. (I'm just saying that I, personally, don't like or wear makeup.) You grab another cab and head to the party. You arrive at a large house with strobe lights flashing colors out the windows. You and the rest of the team walk in. You and Jason head over to the bar. It's only ten minutes after you arrive and Adam is already far from sober. He grabs your hand and pulls you out to the dance floor.

"Dance!"he says and does a weird twist type of thing. You laugh and dance with him.

-<Jason's POV>-

She went out to the dance floor to dance with Adam. I sat back amused by his drunkenness. A girl walked over to the bar. Probably 20. She had long blond hair and too much make up. She looked at me.

"What's your name?" she slurred.

"Jason. And yours?" she acted very flirty.

"Malissa." she said. She ran her finger down from my lips to my chest and I pushed her hand away.

"Hey Jason. Do you wanna have a little, fun?" She slurred. Before I could react she leaned in and kissed me. At first I didn't respond and just sat there awkwardly. But then I decided to just give her what she wants and she will be gone. I closed my eyes and kissed back although it wasn't a good kiss. She snuck her tongue in my mouth and I just let her do what she needed to. Before I knew it she was full out making out with me. Then she stopped. I looked at her and she held her face in pain. And (i.n) stood there next to her.

"I-I didn't mean, I-I wasn't-" I tried.

"No Jason. You could just get your lousy ass out of here and leave because were through!" she said and ran out crying. I was too surprised to do anything really.

"C'mon Jason. Forget about her. You could have me." said Melissa. I turned around and slapped her.

"Your the reason I'm in this mess!" I yelled and ran out of the house. I walked down the edge of the lake (the house is by a lake) until I saw her. She was sitting on the dock holding her head in her hands. I walked over to her.


"What!" she said and spun around angrily. I took at step back but then sat down with her.

"Jason. What are you doing here?" she whimpered. I looked into her eyes that sparkled in the moonlight.

"I didn't like her. She kissed me. I didn't want to kiss back, but I figured that if I did, maybe, she'd go away." I said.

"Sure. That's what happened. Not like that's the world wide excuse for kissing another girl or anything!" she sarcastically said. I looked down shamefully.

"Jason, just get away from me. I don't love you and I don't ever want to see your face again. That day I saw you in the post office was a mistake. We never should have met." She said and walked off. I just sat there. Her words stabbed me like knives. We never should have met. I kept running those words through my head. I just sat there. Alone. I heard footsteps. I turned around to see....



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