Chapter 9: + + -

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~~~~Chapter 9

-<Lexi's POV>-

It's been a total 3 years since Mitch and I began dating. We have been trying for a little baby but, so far, no luck. Last night was the most recent time we tried. I woke up this morning and felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Afterwards, I went downstairs and took some medicine.

"Lex you alright?" she asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah. I went to the doctors yesterday and they said I have a bad stomach bug. They prescribed me this medicine." I said and held up the bottle. I swallowed the pills and went back to bed. She served me for the next few weeks but this just can't be a normal stomach bug. I woke up today and after my daily puking, I went to the drug store and bought 3 pregnancy testers. I called up Mitch and told him what I thought was really going on. He drove over and stood outside the bathroom door. I put the testers in the sink and walked out to Mitch.

"Well?" he said.

"I didn't look. I wanted to look with you." we walked in and looked in the sink.




We looked at each other then back at the testers.

"Which one did you do first?" he asked.

"The positive ones. Let's go to the clinic." We drove out to the doctor and they took the testers.

"And you did these positive ones first?"


"Here. Go to the ultrasound place down the street. If there's anything there at all, they would see it." We thanked him and left. We got to the place and they laid me on a table.

"Let's take a look here." Said the lady. She put goop on me and moved the machine around on my stomach. I had called (i.n.) and Jason to meet us here. They were watching. The lady's eyes bugged up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You see that?" she said and pointed to a bean-shaped thing on the screen.


"That's your baby."

I put my hand over my mouth as tears filled my eyes. Mitch and I shared similar looks.


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