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Months have passed since the two graduated -- almost a year. Jinyoung was able to find work rather quickly and became a successful preschool teacher while Mark still wandered, making some money to support and prepare himself for the real deal.

Jinyoung was currently pampering a two-year old boy for nap time, brushing his teeth carefully since they've just had lunch. The boy stared at his teacher who held him warmly as he focused on the clean up. Once he was finished, he made sure the child was dried up before sending him off to a sleeping mat.

He spent the year working and spending as much time as he could with Mark. However, a certain thought lingered in Jinyoung's head every day. He wondered if the elder would actually pursue his dream and teach football, or if he'd give up like he did on other things. Jinyoung would never admit that it worried him but it did. He wasn't sure if Mark would ever be stable in anything.

Speaking of, the elder currently tapped his fingers on the screen of the register, adding up the total of a customer's order. He worked two different jobs -- a barista in a cafe and a pharmacist. He worked at the cafe on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the other three days at the drug store.

That specific day was a Tuesday so he was at the cafe. Unlike Jinyoung, he was carefree. He knew what he wanted to do but he had to admit that it was frustrating trying to get Jinyoung fully on board. As cheesy as it is, he loved him dearly -- he wanted to be happy with him. Even if some pitied Mark.


A certain redhead entered the same cafe Mark worked in, catching his attention with the bright hair. The male smiled and waved before gesturing to a certain table he made his way to. Mark nodded before glancing at the clock, seeing his break would start in only three minutes.

Once it did, he made his way over to the same table the male sat at and took a seat himself.

"Well, look at what we have here.", the male said with slight sass in his voice.

"It's great to see you, Bam.", Mark chuckled before shaking the younger male's hand. The two eventually caught up with one another in the span of Mark's fifteen minute break. BamBam was four years younger, so when Mark graduated he was still in his early years of college.

"So, how's Jinyoung-hyung?", BamBam asked, setting his drink down. Mark paused for a second before answering, thinking of the younger made his heart pound like it always did. He'd been thinking of the two of them for a while, wanting to take what they had a step further but was afraid Jinyoung wasn't on the same page.

"He's alright--busy as always.", he finally said.

"Do you see each other often?", the younger asked.

Mark simply nodded, gaining a head tilt from BamBam. "I'm guessing not as often as you'd like?"

"Well you should do something about that, hyung."


A week later, Mark who had just finished work and Jinyoung who had a day off, were sprawled next to each other on the couch at the elder's home. Jinyoung rested his head on Mark's shoulder, who played with his hands and fingers. The silence like always, was comfortable.

The beating of the elder's heart was fast and strong enough for Jinyoung to hear and feel. After a while of silence, Mark spoke what was on his mind.

"Jinyoung?", he softly said, making the younger hum in response. It took a few seconds and a lot of confidence but he bluntly spoke again.

"D-Do you...Do you ever wanna get m-married?", he asked shyly. Jinyoung's eyes widened as he turned his head to face Mark who's heart was definitely pounding. He sat up, not breaking the eye contact.

"W-What was that?", he whispered. Mark wasn't sure if he should repeat what he said or allow Jinyoung to speak. The younger decided for him when he chose to say something.

"Mark, a-are you serious?", he said almost sternly. The elder's heart shattered into pieces.

"Don't take it the wrong way, but we just graduated. Now's not the time, don't you think? Especially when we're not stable with what we're doing in life."

The elder knew exactly what Jinyoung wanted to say. He didn't mean we, he meant you. You, as in Mark. As in he didn't know what he was doing -- if he was ever going to become successful. A tinge of anger built up inside of him.

"You're afraid you're gonna be stuck with a loser, aren't you?", he said, taking Jinyoung by surprise. Mark rose to his feet, making the younger feel small all of a sudden.

"Jinyoung, we've been together for years. You just don't wanna marry a disgrace 'cos it'll ruin your image!", he yelled.

"Why are you rushing into this? There's so much ahead of us!", Jinyoung spoke.

"No! If you love me, you wouldn't doubt what we have.", Mark said as he made his way to the door. Jinyoung fast-walked towards him, trying to pull him by the arm to face him. He resisted and swung the door open, yanking his arm away before getting in his car and driving off.


i don't update often enough and this is crap gosh

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