Chapter Five

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It's already two days after Yukimura has set out for his mission... Lina was down at one of her grandma's restaurant in the Shinano province...

Business was so good that Lina's grandma decided to open a restaurant in each province... Sometimes Lina drops down to the restaurant in the Kai province too as she moved there ever since she married Yukimura...

"Ohaiyo Lady Sanada!" one of the workers greeted her when she entered the restaurant.

"Ohaiyo Nami chan!"

"My Lady Sanada! It's been so long since we last saw you! What are you doing here?" Mina, the manager of the restaurant, cooed over Lina as they hugged each other.

"Well... I thought I should check on you guys and offer my help since it looks very busy even from the outside." Lina said cheerfully as she went to the kitchen and took an extra apron hanging on one of the hooks, tying it around her waist..

"Lady Sanada! You are too high rank to be doing menial jobs!" Nami argued as Lina frowned and tied a tight knot..

"No don't be nonsense! This is my grandma's restaurant hence it is only right I help out!"

"She has a point. Besides the customers love Lady Sanada's cooking! She cooks her dishes differently somehow!" Mina chuckled as she stopped and peered closely at Lina's stomach.

"Wait. Did you put on weight?"

Lina's cheeks flushed as she remembered Saizo's comment.

"Wha-?!? No! Saizo said the same thing too! Oh my god am I really getting fat?!?" Lina clapped her cheeks together as she started panicking.

Before anyone can comfort her, a familiar voice was heard...

"Hey-hey! I heard Hime sama is here!" Ieyasu chuckled loudly.

"Where is she? I need to see her beautiful face!" Hideyoshi whined.

"You guys got nothing on her! I'm her childhood friend so I know her the best!" Toshiie huffed at both samurais.

"Yea that's what you say but at last she ended up choosing and marrying Yukimura..." a separate voice shot Toshiie down.

"Why Mitsuhide you little..."

"Ugh just stop it already! And Lord Hideyoshi! I thought you were seeing that girl who works at the florist shop near our castle?!?"

"I'm not! She confessed to me but I just flirted back..."

"Lord Hideyoshi!"

"What? I didn't say I accept her confession so technically we're not seeing each other."

Lina decided to put a stop to their bickering and sighed before exiting the kitchen...

"Lina sama!!!" Ieyasu's eyes sparkled happily when he saw her and Toshiie held his collar back.

"Hey you little shit! Let me go!" Ieyasu growled as Toshiie neared their faces.

"Remember what Lord Nobunaga said when we told him we were travelling to another province???" Toshiie spoke warningly.

Mitsunari closed his eyes and nodded with a wistful smile as Hideyoshi sighed and answered.

"He said "I don't give a crap what the hell you blokes do...""

"Just don't embarrass the Nobunaga name..." Mitsuhide finished as Lina rolled her eyes and approached their table.

"Had enough?" she asked playfully as Mitsuhide gave her a small smile.

"Hey Lina... Sorry for the commotion. It seems wherever you are, you are always greeted by these antics huh?"

Lina gave a soft laugh as she shook her head.

"It's fine Mitsuhide. I see Lord Nobunaga isn't here..."

"Yea he says he wants to spend time with his son and Umeko sama..."

"That's good. It's sweet he's being so fatherly though... Hey wait. Where's Hanbei sama???"

Just as someone from the gang was about to answer her, said person burst into the restaurant carrying all of their weapons...

"My Lords!!!" Hanbei panted as he staggered and almost fell to his knees. "I've collected all of your swords from the blacksmith! They've all been sharpened and polished!"

"Oh thanks for your help Hanbei!" Hideyoshi grinned as Hanbei sighed and handed the weapons back to their respective owners...

Lina frowned as she turned to the gang.

"You guys! How could you all bully poor Hanbei sama?!?"

Hanbei waved his hands frantically in front of him.

"No no Hime sama! I'm fine with doing tasks like this! And-and Han-Hanbei is just fine Hime sama!"

"Mitsuhide and Mitsunari! I thought you two to be the matured ones here and you allowed Hanbei sama to be bullied like this?!?"

"Well Hanbei is Lord Hideyoshi's retainer so orders by Lord Hideyoshi is the final say." Mitsunari answered curtly as Mitsuhide sighed.

"I said there wasn't any need and told Hanbei to join us and eat first but he insisted on doing it because he said it's his samurai way..."

"I have no idea what kind of way is that though..." Toshiie muttered as Hanbei sighed.

"I already did all this and none of you guys are appreciative. I hate you guys so much right now..."

"Aww... Is little Hanbei hurt over our remarks?" Ieyasu gave a smirk as Lina sighed and banged the table lightly.

"Okay that's enough of bullying Hanbei! Now let's get down to business..."

"Business?" all the guys asked in unison. "What business?"

Lina smiled as she crossed her arms.

"What would you like to order?"

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