Chapter Fourteen

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Lina's P.O.V.:

"Yukimura kun..." I called out softly as he was wiping his face with a towel.


"I-I... I want..."

"You want what?" Yukimura kun asked as he turned around to face me.



"I-I... I wish to go visit my grandma, Yahiko and Umeko... I miss them and I need their comfort terribly..." I answered softly as Yukimura kun's blue eyes widened.

"But Lina chan! You know the rules here! As long as there are guests in the castle we can't leave! It's impolite to-..."

"Yukimura kun! Akihime and her family are not guests in my eyes! They are here to take my husband away from me!" I yelled out, my frustration suddenly overflowing.

"Lina chan! I told you I will talk to father to call off-..."

"I don't believe you! You have been saying that but nothing is ever done!"

"Lina chan! Please try to understand! It doesn't take one or even few nights to convince my father!"

I can't hold my tears back anymore as I broke down in front of him, my tears staining the wooden floor.

"All my life... I just wanted a happy life... To work with my family at my grandma's restaurant... To meet Umeko from time to time... And most of all..." I raised my head to look at him. "To have a peaceful married life with my husband... Is that too much to ask for Yukimura kun?"

Yukimura kun's mouth opened and closed before he answered me.

"Lina chan please! I'm feeling pressured here about carrying on the bloodline since Nobuyuki nii san is not married yet!"

"Just tell your father we're not ready to have kids!"

"What? I can't!"

"Why not?!?"

I saw Yukimura kun gnawing his lips in hesitant to answer me.

"Well answer me why not?! Just say we are not mentally ready to have kids so he can call off the bloody engagement!" I heaved angrily as a surprise look flashed across Yukimura kun's face at hearing me curse.

"Erm-em... For-forget it Lina chan! I-I-I... I can't lie! Especially not to my father!"

I blinked a few times at him.

"Lie? Whoever the hell said about lying?!"

"Telling I'm not ready to have kids would be lying to my father and to myself Lina chan! Because I want to have kids which you apparently can't do!" Yukimura kun finally lashed out at me.

I was stunned by his reaction...

The heart that I kept repairing... Was already full of cracks and deformities... But this time round... I don't think I have the will and strength to fix my heart anymore...

I suddenly couldn't cry... I wanted to but no tears came to my eyes as I just stared at my husband blankly...

"Lina chan... God... I'm... Ugh!" Yukimura kun punched the mirror of the dressing table in anger, breaking it into pieces..

I blinked a few times when I saw his bloodied fist and like a robot, went to fetch the first aid kit box in our cupboard...

For the next ten minutes, Yukimura kun just looked at me in silence as I wrapped a bandage around his injured fist. After finished tending to him, I began picking up pieces of the mirror...

"Lina chan, what are you doing?" Yukimura kun asked softly as he gripped my wrist firmly to make me stand up but in turn, I gripped the broken shards in my palm, causing it to bleed..

"Lina chan!" Yukimura kun gasped before grabbing a lot of tissues and bending down beside me..

He yanked the shards out from me and began pressing the tissues into my soaked palm...

"God Lina chan! You injured your hands before when you gripped Kanetsugu's sword to save Ieyasu! Thank god the scars healed fully but if you keep cutting on the same spot it's gonna leave a permanent scar!" he spoke frantically as I clutched the tissues in my palm tightly, turning the snow white tissues into a dark rose red colour...

"You broke my heart Lord Sanada... Tissues are not going to fix it..." I spoke quietly as I stood up to walk out of the chamber...

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