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Months passed and Chani was training harder than ever. He didn't do so well in his exams, but that was expected as he didn't have any proper educational knowledge and started from scratch. His monthly evaluations, however, were phenomenal. He would be first each time and it was clear the he had put all his hard work into practise. At home, you could see or hear him practising whenever he had spare time.

The truth was, he, Taeyang, Hwiyoung and a few other boys were preparing for a show they were going to be on. The company believed it would help them to gain popularity before debut, which would ensure that they would have a successful debut. The plan was for them to be in a competition called Dance or Band. They would be competing against a band from the company as they were the dance group and the winner would earn their debut.

Since the holidays were approaching, the boys began to take time off school to record the show. It wasn't long until the recordings were finished. The last episode was not recorded as that was when the winner would be decided. They had to let professionals as well as the public decide if they wanted to gain popularity.

When the first episode was about to air, Chani was acting like a hyperactive child in the living room.

"Hyungs! Hyungs! It's on soon!" He yelled.

The others slowly walked in because they knew he was just overreacting.

"We get it Chani." Everyone complained.

The episode began and they were all cheering when their favourite maknae came on. Dawon was whooping like the weird person he is while Youngbin was trying to make him be quiet. They all had an enjoyable night and really wanted to watch the next episode which would be aired the next week.

Little did they know, a lady in Daejeon was watching the same show, shocked and utterly perplexed on how this boy, appeared in her life once again.

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