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June 15th, 2017
I woke up that next morning to a text from Luke asking me if he could FaceTime me because he wanted to hear all about my first day on the job.

"My peanut!! I miss you so much when are you coming back to Carolina?" Luke asked as soon as I answered his FaceTime call.

"I don't know Luke. This job is a major job and I intend on staying here forever. Everyone is so sweet to me and it's only been the first day."

"I know I know. I just miss you that's all. I got out of practice and something happened and I just wanted to drive to your apartment and tell you but I forgot that's no longer your apartment and you're no longer here."

"What happened?"

"Nothing it's nothing, tell me about work. Did you meet Dak?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Luke August Kuechly. What. The. Hell. Happened?"

"Shelby Marie Kuechly. It's honestly nothing. I just got in a fight with McCaffery and coach benched me for part of practice. No biggie."

"Luke! You got in a fight AND you got benched?!" I said in rage.

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you, it was nothing. He wouldn't listen to me during drills and stuff and told me that he was better than me and I got mad and chucked my helmet at him. No big deal."

"Whatever Luke. You know you can't do that." I said as I hung up the call. I couldn't deal with him right now.

He called.
And called.
And called.
20 calls from him and I didn't answer a single one.

I pushed aside the fact that he was being a major douche and got ready for the day. It was a Thursday so I didn't have to work much longer this week. I got up and got ready and headed to the stadium in a matter of 20 minutes, now that's a new record for me!

I grabbed my computer and my camera and headed to Jerry's office to see what I needed to do for the day. He told me that I needed to interview Zeke and Dak about the next season because they weren't rookies anymore. For some reason I was only nervous to interview Dak, Zeke seemed chill it was just something about talking to Dak that freaked me out.

"Hey Shelby! I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Ezekiel Elliott." He said shaking my hand as we sat down on a bench alongside the field.

"Is it okay if I hug you? I'm a hugger!" I asked hoping that I wasn't being creepy to the running back.

"No not at all, in fact I'm a hugger too I just didn't know if it would come out creepy if I hugged you. I wanted to keep it professional you know?" He said laughing after hugging me.

"No that's totally okay! So let's get this interview started."  I said smiling before opening my laptop and placing it on my lap.


Dak couldn't help but have a pang of anger shoot through him when he was watching Shelby and Zeke talking. He knew that she was just doing her job but something about it made it hard for him. He had stayed after last night to put in more practice, this was his second year as the starting quarterback and he was not about to mess it up now. He had worked too hard to screw up, plus he had his mom to think about.

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