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June 6th, 2018

My birthday came and I wasn't even excited for it. MeMe's condition was getting worse and I knew that I needed to get back to Carolina to see her, so Dak and I had a flight back home. That way we could spend my birthday together at home and then go see my family before minicamps and preseason started. Zeke was staying at our house with Piper so we didn't have to worry about taking her to the boarders or taking her with us. We didn't know how long we'd even be gone anyway, it all depended on how long MeMe wanted us there.

"Babe did you pack everything?" I hollered down the hallway as I picked up Piper's toys. I swear she was more like a child than a dog.

"Yep just finished. Are you ready to head out? I moved our flight up since I know you want to get back. Plus it's your birthday and I don't think you really want to be on a plane all day."

"You know I don't even care about my birthday. I'm more worried about MeMe and the family. I just want her to be okay." I said heavily sighing.

Our flight was much quicker than I thought it would be and we were back in Carolina by 2:30 Texas time, so 3:30 Carolina time. As soon as we were off the plane we were on our way to the hospital so fast you probably couldn't even clap your hands. I was excited and nervous, MeMe was my favorite person in the whole world and I wasn't ready to lose her.

Momma: MeMe is on floor 4 room 278 when y'all get here. She's been asking about you and she's so excited to see her baby.

"MeMe is on floor 4. Is it bad that I'm nervous to see her?" I asked lacing Dak's fingers with my own as we walked towards the elevator.

"No of course not. If anything I'm more nervous cause this is the first time I'm meeting her in person. I want her to like me." Dak said pressing the number 4 to take us to the 4th floor.

"She's going to love you trust me. I just hope she's feeling okay, this takes a lot out of her and momma said she's in pain but will never admit it."

"Everything is going to be fine baby girl." Dak said kissing my forehead as we escaped the gross elevator. Thankfully the couple of fans we did see waved from a distance and didn't approach us. They knew something was wrong because not only had Luke and I been very vocal about keeping away and giving us space but why else would a celebrity be at a hospital if them or someone they knew was sick?

Once we found MeMe's room I took a deep breath before entering with Dak. Walking in that room was heart breaking. My MeMe laid in bed, looking pale, slumped down, with her eyes glued to the TV. And what do you think was on that TV? Rayne Dakota Prescott's highlight reel from the season before.

"Hi MeMe," I said, walking over to the left side of her bed, tears threatening to form in the corner of my eyes.

"Oh baby you're here!" She said, trying to push herself up so she could get a better look at me.

"Be careful please. I don't want you to hurt yourself." I leaned down to kiss her forehead and give her a hug. Dak had started talking to my uncle who was sitting on the couch.

"Baby I love you, but where's Dak? I can't wait to meet that handsome boy," MeMe smiled from ear to ear. He definitely was another one of her pride and joy's.

I laughed and summoned for Dak to come closer go MeMe's bed. Once he had gotten close enough, she grabbed his hand, looked him dead in the eyes, smiled, and started laughing.

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