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September 10th, 2017

Preseason went great and the first official game of the season was tonight. To say I was nervous was an understatement, don't get me wrong  I love watching Dak play but it scared the hell out of me that he could get hurt. That he could have a season ending injury, at any moment. Julian Edelman already was out for the season with an ACL tear, that could happen to Dak too, you just never knew.

"What are you worrying about?" Dak said wrapping his arms around my waist as I watched the defense go over play after play, practicing before the game.

"Nothing. I'm not worrying about anything. Just watching the boys." I said snapping another picture of the boys. Dak was always coming up to me watching my work. He told me it was his favorite thing to do; watch me do what I love.

"Come on I know you better than that somethings up. Spill." He said turning me around and giving me the look.

"I'm just worried. I've never had a football playing boyfriend before so I've never had to worry about someone I truly care about getting hurt at doing something that he loves. I'm just worried that's all. But I know you'll be fine, you always are stud." I said fixing his should pads.

"Hmmm new nickname huh? I like it." He said smirking at my new nickname of 'Stud.' It brought a smile to my face.

"Get back to practice before Jason yells at you, we don't need coach to be mad at you before the big game now do we Mr. Prescott?"

"I guess not. I'll see you before the game for my good luck kiss right?" He said grabbing his helmet from the bench and throwing it back and forth in his hands.

"Of course, see you soon stud." I said smirking at him before walking over to some of the rookies to take their pictures.

The 1st quarter had just ended and the Cowboys were up by 3. Dak was excited to be back on the field doing what he loved and he was happy because his other love was right there watching him do what he loved.

Nothing was stopping this team during this game either, they were in this for revenge after losing to the Giants twice last season. They couldn't lose to their rivals again, Dak wasn't going to let it happen. He continued to throw or hand the ball off to Zeke and they were easily up 16 to 0 at halftime. They were in it to win it this year, it also helped that Eli Manning was getting old and was playing like crap.

"We're almost there boys. We only have 1 more quarter to shine and get this thing done. I know you're hungry for more so finish it up." Coach Garrett said to the team during a time out taken right at the end of the 3rd quarter.

Dak knew they were going to be able to pull out the win, he just knew by the way the team was playing as a whole, he had his girl here, and his momma was looking out from him from above. This one was for Peggy.

Our boys won 19-3 and were starting the season off with a strong win. To say I was proud of Dak and Zeke was an understatement, if they played every game this season like they did tonight nothing was going to stand in their way of making it to the Super Bowl this year.

I was packing away my camera on the sidelines when I felt hands wrap around my waist and I got pulled closer to whoever it was. I felt his breath on the back of my neck as he whispered into my ear.

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