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November 6th, 2017

I didn't end up facetiming Little K that night and I felt terrible, but I let her hang out with me and be my assistant at yesterday's game and she loved every second. Oh and that game ended in a win by the way, but I guess we shouldn't be shocked especially with how good the team's been playing lately. But I would do anything to make that girl smile, she's one of the many highlights of my day. Dak and I haven't really spoken much, we'll send each other a couple texts here and there. It was weird not being with him on a normal basis like we had been. But we were planning on talking tonight because Tad was tired of us dancing around not talking to each other and he was making the whole family dinner so Dak and I had to talk and be civil especially in front of Little K.

"Aunt Shelby? What's wrong with you and uncle Dak? Are y'all fighting? Are y'all going to break up? Please talk to each other, you're my favorite aunt I've ever had," Little K said, as we walked through the grocery store picking up the list of things that Tad needed.

"Oh sweetheart we aren't going to, I promise. Uncle Dak is just upset with missing his momma and I didn't want to intrude on his time with your family. You probably were really little when she passed huh?"

"Yeah I remember her cookies though. She always made the best cookies. Daddy always talks about her though, it makes me feel like I knew her like he did. And you are apart of our family, you'd never intrude. I want y'all to get married,"

"Please get married and have babies." Little K giggled as she grabbed a package of garlic bread.

"One day baby. I hope it happens one day. Your uncle has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I was coming out of a dark time when I moved to Texas and he just made life that much brighter. He's the best Little K."

"I can't wait to have the love y'all have one day auntie."

Dak, Tad, and Moose went fishing that day while Shelby and Little K were shopping. It was good for Dak to finally have brother time and reminisce on old memories. Dak really did feel bad for not talking to Shelby as much the last couple of days, he knew him sulking was getting them no where and that they needed to talk. He guessed that they weren't really even fighting, he just was shutting everyone out because he missed his mom. But that was time to stop because he knew that he was dragging it out too long and he knew this was getting him no where.

"So what's y'all opinion on Shelby? Y'all like her?" Dak asked, curious if his brother's responses. He already knew that Little K loved her, as did he.

"She's so cool brother. She takes care of you but allows you to be your own person and do things on your own and it's just great. You never had this with what's her name?" Tad asked.

"The name that shall never be said again. I left that girl in Louisiana for a reason, let's keep her name there too." Dak said sternly.

"She's already moved on to a new guy and we're pretty sure she's pregnant." Moose said laughing.

"Yeah and she said she was pregnant to me too even though we used protection and only slept together once. That girl is a trapping gold digger and look how that turned out for her with me, it didn't," Dak rolled his eyes.

"Besides, I have Shelby now and she's literally the best thing that's ever happened to me. She allows me to be myself and do things on my own and is supportive every step of the way. She's even got me trying new things, you know that girl has got me line dancing with her? She's crazy about it and it's so cute watching her get frustrated but once she nails it she teaches it to me. I'm not going to lie "Watermelon Crawl" has never been stuck in my head more than now. But I'm not going to not try to do it cause it'll crush her heart."

"That's a supportive boyfriend right there. Do you think she'd teach us some? I saw someone dance to one at the bar a couple days ago and it looked like the coolest thing. And honestly it probably helps you with your foot work for ball too." Moose asked as they packed away their stuff in the car.

"Probably dude! I'll make her teach you one of the hard sweaty ones, it took me a week to learn it!" Dak joked.


"Can we talk?" Dak asked as soon as he walked through the door.

"Of course. Little K keep an eye on your dad and uncle." I said shooting her a smirk.

Dak and I made our way up to his bedroom to have a long overdue talk. I wasn't totally sure what was going to happen and I was slightly nervous on how this was going to go. I was just going to speak my mind and take multiple deep breaths and try not to freak out. I get he was going through a tough time but that didn't mean he needed to push everyone away.

"I'm sorry. I know I could've handled this whole situation better and I shut you out when I shouldn't have, but at the same time you pushed yourself away from me so I had no one." Dak said sitting down on his bed and pulling me down with him.

"I just felt like you wanted space to be with your family without me intruding. I don't want to intrude on your time with your family, I'm not apart of your family therefore I wanted you to have time and space with them. I know you love and miss your mom more than anything and I just felt like I was in the way. I'm sorry that you felt that way though, I never want to see you hurt that way. It's been the longest couple of days. I'm so use to being with you every second of every day and I'm not saying I need you to survive but in a way I do. I told Little K this just today, I was coming out of a dark time when I left Carolina and came to Texas. You became my light in all this darkness and without you the last couple days it's been literal hell. You're my best friend babe, I'm so sorry." I managed to choke out with tears starting to fall down my face.

"Move in with me."

"Wait what?" I asked puzzled.

"Move in with me. I love you so much. You ARE apart of my family baby girl. When Tad, Moose, Little K, and my dad aren't here you are the only one I've got. I'm sorry that I pushed you away and I'm sorry that you didn't feel like you were apart of my family. My momma would've loved you, y'all are so alike it's crazy. You both have the biggest hearts and only want what's best for others over yourselves. I know you and Little K talked about us getting married and having babies one day cause she told Tad about it, and I want that more than life itself pretty girl. I love the life we've built and I can't wait to continue our life together." Dak said wiping away my tears away.

"When can I start moving in?" I smiled and tackled him in a hug.

Authors Note..
Omg HI! I'm seriously so sorry for being MIA and not posting. I am alive I swear! The last 2 years have been literally INSANE and I hate not being able to get things out for y'all. College is TIME CONSUMING, I'm going for my associates degree right now and I'm almost done but then I have to make up my mind on if I want to stay at my CC or go to a University. Which is stressful because I'm not sure what to do yet. I may just get my associates and get an internship! I've looked into a few and they're paying internships so even better!

I've gotten a couple chapters written and ready to go but I try and have at least 3 written before I start writing my next so then I can just post and go and y'all will have something to read. I'm also thinking about skipping ahead to the end of this last season because I'm kind of over writing about a season from 2 years ago that I barely remember. I want to do a week by week kind of thing as I watch every game this season but with college I'm thinking that sadly is going to be impossible. Unless I get some kind of schedule down better than I do now. As of now I try and write on the weekends but I'm not sure when all my homework is going to be due. Since I take all my classes online, each class has homework due on different days so it's a little difficult, but I'm trying my hardest to get my schedule down pat. I'm looking at updating on Sunday nights during the season because a lot of the time Sunday is my only day free from homework especially cause it's football day obviously! I really hope y'all understand and are okay with my lack of updates, I'm trying I swear!

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