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April 20th, 2018

So much had happened in the last 4 months, Dak and I moved in together, we got Piper, the season finished, my grandma started getting sick, Luke got a girlfriend, etc. Now that the season had been over for a couple months, minicamps were starting back up again. Life was all about to get seriously hectic and I was more than okay with it.

"Hey baby I want to do one more thing before the season starts," I asked walking out of the bathroom of our now shared apartment.

"What's up buttercup?" Dak asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I want to get a tattoo," I smiled, I knew exactly what I wanted. "I've wanted one for awhile now and I think it's time for me to man up and do it."

"That's great baby! You finally want to join the tattoo gang! I'm forewarning you though, it's addicting. Just look at me." Dak chuckled, pointing at his many tattoos.

"I want a cross and a heart on my wrist for MeMe. She always told me to 'Have Faith, Love Jesus, and Love with all my heart' which I feel fits my personality to a T and it would be a great thing to always have with me, especially because she's sick right now."

"I think it's beautiful. Why don't we head out today and you can get it? You can go to the guy I go to! He's the best and he's super sweet."

"I'm more than okay with that. I'm a little nervous though you may have to hold my hand," I said nervously chuckling.

"You've got this baby girl. I'll be there every step of the way." Dak smiled.


Dak and I had made it to the tattoo shop in a matter of 20 minutes. I was even lucky enough to get in to Dak's artist that day, which normally that wouldn't have happened but I think that because it was Dak, his tattoo artist pushed back all of his appointments just for me. Which I was very grateful for because I really wanted to get this tattoo done before I were to go back home to see MeMe because I wanted her to see it in case something happened to her. Everyone in the shop was super sweet and seemed to enjoy their job. The environment was so opening and happy that it just made me happy and all my nerves subside.

"Alright what are we doing today?" The tattoo artist, that I learned was named Jess but went by Squared, asked me as I finished signing some papers. It honestly felt like I was signing my life away even though all I was doing was saying I was over 18 and giving constent to tattoo me.

"I want to get a tattoo on my left wrist that's a cross and a heart. It's in dedication to my MeMe since she's really sick. I have a picture of it if you want to see it." I smiled, MeMe was going to be proud of this one. 

"Yeah let me see what it looks like and I'll get a stencil made so we can get the ball rolling. I'm assuming this is your first tattoo? You look a little on the nervous side."

"Just a little bit, I didn't think that it was that obvious. I know with this tough guy over here I'll be fine though. I can handle a little bit of pain." I chuckled before showing Squared what I wanted and he quickly made the stencil.

The stencil got placed and he had finished the tattoo a lot quicker than I had thought he would. It didn't even hurt and I didn't even need to hold Dak's hand. I was pretty proud of myself and in that moment I knew that I had just started a really bad addiction. Dak was definitely not wrong when he said that these can be addicting.

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