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August 26th, 2018

After 3 days of planning, MeMe's visitation and funeral were set to take place within the week. Even though I wanted Dak on that field I knew it was the best place for him to be with me, I needed the emotional support. From the second we found out she passed away, to the second we landed back in North Carolina I was crying. No one tells you how hard it is to lose a grandparent, I know it's harder losing a parent but my grandparents basically raised me during the summer.

The whole team had sent multiple flower arrangements along with the staff of the NFL, my college, and even Dak's college. Everyone was so unbelievably supportive and I was so blessed with so many people who loved and cared for me just like I was a player.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" Mom asked coming into my old bedroom that Dak and I would be sharing for the time we were here. Mom and Dad refused to let us stay in a hotel, it was mandatory that we all be under the same roof.

"Okay I guess. I just finished a chapter in my book and was going to go for a walk to clear my head but now that it's raining I can't really do that. Are Dak and Daddy back yet?"

Dak and my Dad had gone to the grocery store to pick up last minute things for the luncheon after the service. They also were supposed to pick up Papa and take him over to Uncle John's house so he wasn't alone in the house without MeMe. Him and I were definitely taking this the hardest, seeing as I was basically with her every second of every summer while my parents were at work. Luke, John, and Henry were around but not nearly as often as I was.

"They just got back. Why don't you and Dak go out tonight? Y'all need time together, especially cause I know y'all will be in rush rush rush mode the second you get back to Texas. And don't tell me you won't be because I know the both of y'all too well," Momma chuckled trying to crack a smile out of me, which she succeeded.

"I know Momma. Life's too short to be like that, MeMe taught me that and she'd be disappointed that we were putting our time together on the back burner. We need the time to not only cope together but enjoy our time. I want the love MeMe and Papa had, it was beautiful."

"It was baby, she's going to bless your babies so much before they leave Heaven. No doubt about it."

I smiled and mumbled, "I think she already has."

"Shelby Marie. What did you just say? Are you pregnant?"

"I think so. I mean, my boobs hurt, I've had spotting but it's not a lot, I made Dak get me a bunch of chocolate and pickles before we came out here, which I know isn't out of the norm for me because I love pickles but it was weird the sudden crave I had for them. I just don't know if I am or not, I'm too scared to test." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"You NEED to test baby. I'll go get a couple for you to take, if you don't want to take one with Dak then I'll be with you just as long as you take one."

"Thank you Momma. I think I can do it on my own, but thank you. Just please keep Dak distracted." I sighed again and stood up from my bed.


Dak had noticed that Pam and Shelby were acting weird when he had arrived back to the house. He didn't want to ask what was wrong until Shelby brought it up to him first.

"Dak could you please help us go through photos of MeMe? We need to get this slideshow done and I think you would be great help with it. Plus you can see all of Shelby's goofy pictures from when she was little," Pam asked Dak. Shelby was in her bedroom and hadn't come down to see her fiance.

"Of course I can! Is Shelbs okay? Does she want to help us with this? I'm sure it could help her with the healing process. I know that when my momma died we looked at old pictures for hours just so that we could heal better,"

"She'll be down shortly. She told me that she wanted to clean up her room a bit and freshen up herself and then she'll be down to help." Pam smiled at Dak and ushered him to the couch, away from the stairs.

Pam, Dave, and Dak were engrossed in pictures when Shelby came downstairs with a somber look on her face. Dak still couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with his fiance but he was hoping that she would tell him soon.

"Mom what are you making that poor boy do? Are you showing him gross embarrasing pictures of me? Come on!" Shelby said smacking her forehead and laughing at how cute her mom was squealing over pictures of Shelby and her MeMe when she was a baby.

"I can't help it! You were the cutest baby! Plus we needed help going through pictures for MeMe's slideshow at the funeral. Also is pizza okay for dinner?"

"Yeah that's fine with me. Hey Dak can you come upstairs with me for a second? I need to talk to you about something."


I took the test as soon as my mom gave it to me. I couldn't wait to take it to see if I was pregnant or not. The more I thought about it the more excited I got because there could be a little me or Dak in my belly. If I was I definitely would believe that it was a goodbye gift from MeMe. I know God works in mysterious ways.

But it was negative. I was relieved yet sad all at the same time. It wasn't our time to get pregnant but we would one day. MeMe and God would work together on that.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Dak said as he sat down on my bed.

"Well I haven't gotten my period so mom made me take a test.."

"And? Why didn't you let me know and I could've been there when you took it? I'm not mad I'm just a little hurt."

"It was negative. I probably haven't gotten my period cause I'm stressed and upset. You know my anxiety. And I had a gut feeling it was negative and I didn't want to get your hopes up you know?"

"Okay yeah I get that. I'm excited for us to have kids and this just wasn't God's timing for us and that's okay. I love you so much."

"I love you more boog."

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