Chapter 19

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The kiss was short but passionate. Zoro flinched and stared at her with wide eyes. What the hell just happened?! He didn't say anything and neither did Nami. They both stared at each other with red cheeks. So many thoughts were running through his mind. Why did she do that?! Is this some prank? Did she do that cause she really had feelings for me? How long has she been liking me? He then settled down and calmed himself. He stared at Nami with his usual eyes, trying not to lose his cool. He tried to say something but the navigator beat him to it.

"I'm sorry!" She ran outside and closed the door shut. Everyone stared at the moss head, wondering what he would do. But all he did was sit there and crossed his arms. He'd decide that he wouldn't do anything. She did say sorry which means she didn't mean for the kiss to happen. At least that's what Zoro thinks. He closed his eyes, trying to figure out what just happened. Yeah she kissed him, but it was out of no where. He sighed. Women can be so confusing sometimes.

Luffy is the one to stop the weird silence that spread inside. He stood in front of his first mate and sat down, criss cross apple sauce position. He observed the way the swordsman vein formed on his forehead.

"What do you want, Luffy?"

Their silly captain tilted his head. "I want you to confess to Nami."

The crew gaped, stunned at what their captain just said. They were proud that he said it himself.

"Nani?! Who said I like that woman!?" Zoro yelled, almost jumping from his seat.

Usopp chuckled, shaking his head. "You obviously like her. For a guy who's tough and all, I'm pretty disappointed you can't admit it yourself." He then shrugged. "But hey what do I know?"

The swordsman scowled, crossing his arms as his cheeks started to heat up a bit. Is his crush on her that obvious? He scratched his neck, still denying it. "Tch. I don't know what you're talking about..."

Robin smiled walking up to Zoro and chuckled. "You know exactly what we're talking about and I think a certain navigator is waiting for you beyond those doors." She pointed to the door that led outside. He grunted. Nami kissing him in front of everyone is embarrassing enough but now the crew making him go talk to her? That's even more embarrassing and it made the moss head feel pathetic. But he still sat there, not wanting to go outside. He can't confront her now. If he did his face would be as red as a tomato when he sees her. And let me tell you, his face is never ever red. He doesn't want it be red either.

Brook strummed his guitar and started to laugh. "Yohohoho! The swordsman is too shy to talk to the woman who he always openly argues with? Isn't that strange!"

Zoro wanted to throw his hands in there. 'But it's way different!' is what he wanted to say. But arguing with the crew would get him no where. Plus, the Straw Hat Pirates are the best persuaders out there. Since he wanted to get out of the room as fast as possible he abruptly stood up. "Fine! I'll go talk to that woman...."

As he closed the door, the whole crew cheered. Even Lauren as she danced away with Chopper. The reindeer laughed, throwing his fist in the air. "It's happening. It's finally happening!"

The brown haired girl, Lauren, giggled. She nodded her head, agreeing with the little doctor. "That's right! It's just - did you see his face?! He was blushing mad!"

"This is a great day for the Straw Hats!" Franky yelled singing away with Usopp and Brook.

Luffy laughed, glad there's no more awkward silence. But he then looked around the room, looking for their cook. He didn't find no blonde hair anywhere. "Wait!!!!!!! Where's Sanji?"

The crew looked at one another, not knowing either. Usopp rubbed his chin. "I haven't heard any cries yet too....."

Namis and Law shrugged. The former captain of the Heart Pirates cheered. "Forget about that! We're here to celebrate!"

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