Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

Daniel's POV

Hospitals always scared me, they always made me feel like I was in a cemetery. We were supposed to go to the show in Tennessee but we all cancelled it. Eben had a broken arm while I got a watermelon smashed into my head, making me unable to see Y/n at the moment.

"So I got good news and bad news." I turned to see Zach with Jack.

"Tell me the good news first" He nodded before speaking,

"Y/n isn't dead. The glass that hit her during the crash was taken out, and she will be ok.." I smiled at the thought of Y/n being okay before remembering there are bad news.

"Okay..The bad news?" I asked. They looked at each other before sighing.

"She would be okay..If she was awake. The doctors say her coma will last from 2 days to uh..Years." I felt my stomach drop from hearing the terrible news. She could be asleep for the rest of her life for all we know.

"I swear I'm gonna.." I heard a beep go off before the darkness hit me like a truck.

I was awoken by Y/n in the area in the forest I showed her. "You passed out! Are you okay?" I slowly nodded before looking at Y/n. She was unusually pale. Her eyes were a dark grey and her hair was white.

"Y/n..?" I went in for a hug before seeing myself in Chicago on stage singing my heart out. Instead of seeing all my fans, I only saw Y/n.

"Daniel! You just skipped your part. I turned to Jack saying sorry before Turning back to Y/n. Instead of her being there she was gone.

"No one is there.." They gave me a weird look before speaking.

"Daniel everyone is here watching..Get your mind right bro." I looked at the audience once again to see everyone staring at me concerned, except Y/n wasn't there.


"Oh thank gosh he's awake." I opened my eyes to see everyone but Eben and Y/n surrounded by me. I was in the hospital again. "You passed out. Don't try to get all worked up." I sighed, what if this wasn't reality either?

"Can I at least see Y/n?" Everyone looked at the doctor while he pondered.

"Go ahead. We'll get a wheelchair for you. Also, you have a severe concussion, so I suggest you stay easy for the next few months. You'll be getting headaches and won't be able to focus as easy as you used to." I nodded before seeing the wheelchair pull in. I went on and was pushed by Jonah to Y/n's room.

"Don't get worked up Daniel. She's not in her best shape at the moment." I rolled my eyes, of course she's not ok. She's in a coma and went under surgery.

We entered Y/n's hospital room to see her bandaged up. Machines surrounding her while an empty vase was next to her. "Who the hell put an empty vase next to her?" Everyone shrugged in response while I rolled next to her. Her hair was cut to the bottoms of her ears while she looked unusually pale..Like when I saw her in my dream.

"I'm so sorry..All we can do is hope for the best." I grabbed her hand before feeling myself being pulled away from her. Instead of screaming bloody nothings, I remained frozen in the wheelchair.


A few hours later the doctor arrived to my room. "Mr. Seavey?" I looked up from my phone to see my doctor.

"That's me."

"You will be leaving in 2 days. You will have to check into the doctors twice a month." I nodded before I started doing my paperwork.

Y/n's POV

I was in the area Daniel showed me in the woods looking at the stars. While watching I saw Daniel pass out, making me hurry to him in worry. I shook him a few times before he looked at me. He gave me a weird look before speaking.

"Y/n..?" We were about to hug until he vanished in my arms. I blinked once. I blinked twice until I appeared in the audience..Except I was the only person in the audience.

"What the.." I blinked once again to see myself in a room with a door on each end. One said "Death" The other said "Life". I started walking towards life, but didn't move. I turned back to "Life" and tried jogging, making me go up by a little. I decided to go into a sprint and get to the door faster.

I kept running.

I didn't want to stop.

I can't stop.


Here's the sequel! I really hope you like this story.


Boy by the Cello // Daniel Seavey x Reader-Sequel to girl by the piano Where stories live. Discover now