Chapter 22

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Y/n's Pov

I looked up at the stars above, wondering what it was up there.

Away from everyone.

Away from all the bullshit in the world.

"Oh, honey. What are you doing alone at night?" I glanced up to see a woman that seemed in her mid 60's to 70's. She looked frail and weak yet she seemed strong with youth still running through her veins.

"It's a long story" I whispered. She looked around me and examining my clothes before a smile came to her face.

"It would be an honor if you would tell me. It'd be nice to have a guest as well" she suggested.

"I'd love to"


I was given a blanket and tea for warmth as the woman, Leone, set herself up across from me on the couch. "So, why were you on the street? Alone. You could've taken an uber or call someone to go home, or to a relative's house." Oh I wish I could I thought. I sighed before putting my tea down, ready to tell the story.

"I originally arrived in La to be with my relatives for a month or so until I met someone. They made me happier than I ever have been- happier than being in my hometown." I looked at her to see her eyes full of glee and happiness, as if it reminded her of an old memory of some sort. "He and I were happy together- living the dream as some would say. Until that one day. He and I were with his friends in a tourbus as we went down the highway. As my friend told me a truck crashed onto the side and I got into a coma. Because of that he isolated himself from his fans, his family even his own roommates. It's all my fault. I can't seem to face him and his condition without feeling guilt and sadness within me" I explained.

"I'm so sorry for your unfortunate event. Though I'm sure he's happy you're back. He'll be okay. Even though nothing will be the same, he's happy as long as you're alive and healthy. As my husband says 'happy wife, happy life.'" I sat in silence, pondering about her words.

"Scars heal...I should go." Everyone is probably panicking right now, I probably made things worse once again. I turned on my phone to see it was 1:04 am, meaning it's been 3 hours since I ran away.

"Here, it's my number if you need someone to talk to" she wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me before pushing me out the door.

"There'll be an uber in 20 minutes around the left corner!" I waved her goodbye as I went outside, knowing what to do when I see everyone once again.


Daniel's Pov

It's all your fault.

I persisted on going with Corbyn, Jonah, Emma and Madi but they refused, saying I wasn't in condition to. Instead I was stuck with Jack who was on his phone, ignoring me.

"I'm sorry" I stated. He looked at me questionably before huffing in anger. He's never going to let go of this burden-

"I'm only giving you another chance because we're bandmates. Not friends- merely acquaintances. Got it?" He got up and went to me before stretching out his arm to me. "Let's go find Y/n." I smiled and grabbed his hand to get up, happy to have a second chance. We got to the closet to grab our shoes when-

Knock Knock Knock

"Y/n." I ran to the door like a madman, opening it with a bang. There stood Y/n, tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh my gosh" I whispered. Though she was the mess, I still saw the girl I've always loved. I took her into a hug, letting the tears roll down my shirt without a care in the world.

"Y/n!" Jack ran up to Y/n and gave them a hug as well. Something in me glowed seeing Y/n happy. I whipped out my phone and texted everyone, saying she was home and okay.


I loved writing this story.

I can't believe the next chapter is the last chapter.


Boy by the Cello // Daniel Seavey x Reader-Sequel to girl by the piano Where stories live. Discover now