There was loud electro music all over the place, it came from the enormous speakers that were standing in every corner. Teenagers danced around me, they clung on each other like their life was depending on this dance. Like it was their last dance.

I would have given everything to go down and dance in the crowd, but I had better to do.

Tonight was my time, I could show my talent, I could play my very own mixtape. The music I produced all by myself.

It was my thing, there was no better drug than seeing people go crazy over your music. It was intoxicating, feeling how the heartbeats rises and seeing that everyone around you felt the same. I wouldn't want to change a thing.

I stepped on stage and greeted my audience for the night, in the corner I could see my brother and his mates. It was special for me that they came to see me.

I adjusted my laptop and let my music flow through the speakers.

And there it was, the feeling.

A feeling that nobody could ever describe the right way, it is a feeling that you have to experience yourself.

I was proud of myself, self-confident. And I could see that my brother was also more than proud. He was my motivation, my inspiration, my idol.

My time was over way to soon. I left for the dance floor to meet Niall and the rest of One Direction.

The boys surprised me by taking me in a group hug. I could help myself but laugh. They were crazy and I loved every single one.

"I had no clue that your music was THIS good!" I looked up to see my brother. I just looked at the floor, shyly smiling on the ground.

We decided to go drink something and than head to Niall's.

Everyone ordered and Niall, known for his charming side, made friendship with a brunette girl. Exactly his type of girl. Just like Niall, the others got company.

It was just me and my drink. I watched the people standing around me, trying to imagine what life the have. One of my hobbies when I have nothing to do.

But also my imagination had a end and I got boring. I had two options, I could head outside or stand by Niall's side and watching him flirt with that girl. My choice was clear, head outside.

People were standing in front of the club, smoking, drinking, fighting, the usual.

I took out my cigarettes and something Niall had given me shortly before.

A pill.

He said it was fun, and hell yes, I needed some fun.

I took the pill and noticed almost immediately how my pulse began to race, a minimal change, but I noticed. Also my heartbeat was changing, it was a weird feeling, definitely something I never experienced before.

I was about to go back inside but something stopped me.

Everything around me was spinning, something inside my chest was beating against my thorax.

I took hold on a wall when soon after my sight became darker and darker.

The next thing I could feel was the cold ground.

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