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"I am really sorry, I have to go now. Maybe another time." This girl was fuming hot, I was definitely about to see her again.

The boys went with me and said goodbye to their flirts.

In the moment we exited the club, flashlights greeted us.

Our constant companion.

We looked down and tried to make our way through the ocean of flashlights.

Our fight was successful and soon after we were alone I took out my phone and called Stella to find out where she went.


"Does someone know where Stella is?" They boys shook their heads.

Damn. I should have looked sooner for her, she is only 16 years old and my mum is killing me if something happens to her.

"Come on Niall, let's look over there, maybe she met a nice guy and they are occupied at the moment."

"Please Harry, worst moment for a joke." I was worried as hell and he joked around.

We went around the corner where the light was dimmed. There wasn't much to see but nevertheless I noticed something lying on the ground.

Or rather, someone.

My breath was still for a moment.


She was lying on the cold street, not moving.

It didn't even take a second and I was standing by her side. How could I not, she was one of the most important things in my life. The best sister I could wish for. Life without her was something I couldn't imagine.

I was so trapped in my thoughts and worries that I didn't noticed that someone had called the ambulance.

Someone took me away from her and I couldn't do anything against it, I was way too weak at the moment.

"Niall, mate, don't panic. Everything will be alright." Liam was calling for a paramedic. "Could you give him something to calm down please?"

I felt a jab and soon after calm was controlling me, I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes, greeted by light and familiar faces. My best friends.

"Hi Niall, are you alright?"


"I can imagine. You had a panic attack. They had to give you an injection. Lucky you fell asleep soon enough."

"Where is Stella? Is she alright?"

"They wouldn't tell us, we aren't family. Come on, let's get you up and you can go look for yourself."


My dad was a person you could always have a laugh with.

But today, he looked exhausted, sad.

"What's up? Can you tell me something?" My conscience was killing me.

"She suffered a heart attack."

"You are joking, right? You must be joking. She is 16. Only old people have heart attacks."

"You are mistaken. She has some kind of serious heart problem. Her heart is too big. She's had it her whole life, but it became worse in the last months. We don't know why  nothing happened until now. She had MDMA in her blood yesterday. Ecstasy. Someone must have given it to her when she had her gig."



"No Dad. It was me..."

"Oh Niall, how? Since when are you doing drugs? I thought better of you"

"I am not doing drugs, we wanted to try something new, to just enjoy our time off. You know Stella, of course she wanted to have something herself."

"It doesn't matter now. She is here and safe. She will be fit again. And now that we know we can help her and prevent other emergencies. It is not a nice way to find out but better than finding out another way."

"Dad, I am sorry, so sorry. It is all my fault."

"The drug, yes but nobody can control what's happening..."

My mother came in.

"She is awake."

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