
A small house in Mullingar, Ireland.

It was always some kind of safe space for me. I would hide here when I was sad, I would run into my room if I needed to calm down.

My little safe spot.

Now it was my hideaway once again.

Since days I haven't even left my room. There was nobody I would have wanted to see or speak. I just wanted be left alone for once in my whole life.

I need this time for myself, now more than ever before.

But my little getaway was limited, as imagined someone came to interrupt my grief.

My lovely brother.

"What do you think you're doing here?"

"Niall, will you just fuck off, please? I try to be alone, mind your own fucking business!"

"Oh sure I will, it's what I am doing right now. Nothing is more my business than my own sister. I will not accept your turndown. You have to get out of bed, I am willing to drag you out if you won't cooperate."

If I do know one thing, it is that Niall gets what he wants either way. Hence I got up without further hesitation.

"And now? What do you have in mind?"

"Well, firstly, thank you, I appreciate it. We have a plan to follow now and I am not telling you what we are going to do."

"I hate you."

"So much love today, love you too sister."


"What are we doing in Dublin?"

"I know it is your favorite city but it is not the only reason I brought you here, we, my wonderful sister, are going to a concert I was invited to. I really hope you like their music, I swear, they are fantastic. Maybe not really your type of music but somehow I know you will like them."

"Alright but it doesn't explain why we are here at fucking 6 am!!"

"Our day is long and we need the time. Why are you so moody?!"

I gave him the look, the look that means -are you fucking serious right now-.

"Will you stop being so grumpy when I swear that you get everything you wish for while we are shopping?"

"Shopping?" Now I was getting excited.

"Yes. We need some nice clothes and nothing is better than new clothes."

"Ok fine, I will stop being grumpy. But before we begin, could I go to the toilet please?"

But I didn't even listen to his answer, I was already running while shouting -bye-.

I really liked to annoy my brother because of the face he was making when I did. And because of that I was looking back to him once again.

And because of that I bumped into someone.

The second I ran into that someone seemed like a frozen moment, slow motion.

This boy, I would assume it was a boy, held me, stopped me from falling on the cold floor. I saw his eyes, they were dark but in some strange way I could see warmth in them.

This moment was magical, almost incredible. I never experienced something like this.

And then he let me fall.

"Can't you look where you go?!"

"I am sorry, what?" I was torn away from my daydream, pushed into reality.

"Obviously you were dumb enough to ran through the mall plus don't even look where you go. Now my tea is all over my t-shirt. You have to buy me a new one."

"Seriously? You know it takes two? I was certainly not the only one not paying attention. Don't blame me for it! And surely I won't pay anything for your fucking shirt, who do you think you are?"

"You don't know me? Well you should." he was beginning to get cocky. "Maybe you could pay me otherwise." With a wink he smirked.

Oh god, how could someone be so overbearing. Nobody I know would even dare to talk to me like he just did.

"Fuck you!"

"With pleasure."

I had do get away from here otherwise I would have taken his head and let him collide with the floor.

Let's hope I never see him again.

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