"Are you alright?"

"Hm?... Oh yes, sure, why not?"

"You seem kind of... I don't know, off?"

"Niall, you worry way too much, nothing's happening, I just want to continue on and have a good time with you, ok?" Ok, I know, I lied, but who cares anyway, there is nothing to explain to him, I just ran into a rude boy. End of story.

"Ok, cool, then let's move on." I know he doesn't believe me but he leaves it. Well, that is good for him.

The day went by in a blur and in, what seemed like one minute, we were at the door to this huge venue. At this point I already knew who was playing, some kind of boyband called The Vamps, never heard of them and I didn't bother to google them or something. Niall wanted it to be a surprise and I didn't want to disappoint him or let him down. He was so eager to make this day a good day.

Maybe, just maybe, this day will be a success with Niall by my side, he may be a annoying boy but he is super fun to be with an everybody love his companion. I am no exception.

As I said, we were standing at the door of the venue. The 3 Arena was a nice concert hall, not to big and not to small, when One Direction were a little boyband my father and me used to go to every concert Niall played at. It was nice to see the crowd increase by more girls every concert. They became really famous and Niall hasn't changed one bit, he was always the same protective brother and I wouldn't want to change it.

We got in and were greeted by a bartender who offered us a drink, since I was just 16 Niall didn't want to give me a drink and I had to get a coke. What a loser.

It wasn't much time till we got to meet this mysterious boys. I just hope they are not boys who look like they just came out of middle school. All boys these days look like babies.

"They are ready to see you now" a voice said into the room.

Here we fucking go.

We were escorted in a light hallway to a door where the a sheet hung. The Vamps was written on it. I was getting nervous.

We got in the room and there were three boys lying on a couch with phones in their hand. They got up as soon as they saw Niall was entering the room.

"Hi mate, so cool that you could come. We are so excited that you are here, oh and this must be your sister. Stella, right? I heard some things about you, you're producing music? Maybe you could help us with a song we are working on, we don't know where we are going with it, you make electric music, right?"

"James, breath. Let the lady adjust to everything, I swear he is horrible sometimes, my name is Tristan, this annoying boy is James and the silent one ever there is Connor." The one speaking now, Tristan, was a very very tall guy, blond hair and a slim face. He had incredible cheekbones.

"Hello, my name is Stella but you already know I assume." Now everyone was laughing, my laugh instead was a embarrassing laugh. I was not really comfortable with meeting new people.

It was silent soon enough and the boys began to talk with Niall, every now and then they looked my way without saying anything. I began to look around, there was a garderobe with four name tags on it, Tristan, James, Connor and Brad? Are there four members?

"Sorry do you mind asking me who Brad is? Aren't there just you three?"

"Oh no, you forget the most important member, Brad is our lead singer. He must be here any moment, oh wait, there he comes." Connor said.

A boy with dark hair entered, he looked up.

The eyes.

"You must be kidding me?" "Well, hello again." We talked on the same moment.

"You two know each other?" Someone asked, I don't know who it was,I was in too much confusion.

You could say so, Sherlock.

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