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I was standing in a room with the guy I couldn't stop thinking about. The one boy who ran into me and then accused me of not paying attention. Like he had no fault.

Now I know his name, Brad, what a stupid fuck boy name. Like, seriously, in movies and books fuck boys are called Brad, hence it is a fuck boy name. Maybe I am overacting, but what should I say, I am an angry girl. And I can be angry for a long time, if I want to.

"Soo, where do you know each other from?" Some guy of his little band asked, don't blame me, I am not good with names.

"Your little friend is the asshole who ran into me and ruined my day."

"Oh sweetie, nice to know that I could have such an effect on you." he really had nerves, how can someone be this fond of himself. Like, literally, I never met someone who is such a douche. He is the type of guy you see in reality shows like Love Island or the bachelor, not that I know much about these shows. Normally I would do everything not to see such arrogant little boys who are just pretending they are big and strong to hide the fact that the have no balls at all. Sorry for my language, I can't control myself around people like him.

"Don't flatter yourself too much, everyone knows boys like you struggle to accept themselves, must be hard. With your show you're really just trying to compensate something, it is your dick, right?"

"STELLA! Enough, how can you talk like that? I doesn't matter to me what kind of fight you two have, alright? It gives you no right to talk to a person like that, I never thought of you as a bully. Especially you should keep your mouth shut, Miss I-am-strong but really you are just a broken little girl, pitying herself because something in her life didn't go as she wanted it to." I looked at Niall, this is how he saw me? Really?

I turned around and ran, I don't know where I was but, fuck, I was away from my brother, far away. I didn't care if he was sorry or if he wanted to apologize. Shit, I didn't even care that I shouldn't have run with me being out of the hospital just for a few days.

How could HE talk to me like that, he was my brother, and yes, maybe we argued much but we were best friends. I don't even know where all that came from. Was I really just strong on the outside? Was I pitying myself? I mean, how could I not, I was a perfectionist, everything had to be planned in my life, if I could, I would control the weather so it matched up with my schedule. I don't do so good with sudden things like spontaneous trips or an unexpected disease. Not that these scenarios could be compared to each other in some way at all.

"Hey, can a jerk keep you company?" a voice said. I knew who it was without turning around, his voice had something special, maybe the reason he is lead singer of his band.

"Can't stop you, can I?"

"Look, I want to apologize, I shouldn't have said to you what I said when we first met. I don't even have a explanation, I can only say that I am a massive asshole and I am not proud of it." He was serious, he didn't have a smirk on his face and he was looking deep into my eyes. Those kind of looks where you feel like the other person was looking in your soul. He expressed that he genuinely meant what he said.

"It's fine, I wasn't nice either, I am sure you don't have a small dick, fuck, I think you might even have decent balls, takes courage to apologize."

"HA-HA" Brad was rolling his eyes at me.

"No seriously, I am sorry too."

"Then it's settled, friends?"



It was getting kind of awkward.

"Shouldn't you be with your band?"

"Yes, yes I should, but after you ran off I felt bad and thought it wouldn't hurt to look for you and apologize. I know how bad you must feel, my sister and me are also very close and when she doesn't approve on something in my life or if we argue I feel like I just lost my best friend or start questioning myself"

"It wouldn't hurt so much unless you knew that it was the truth, would it?"

"I guess you are right. Well, this has to be the end of our lovely conversation, I have be with my band asap."

"OK, good luck on your show"

He was giving me a nod and a warm smile, something I was not used to see. Most people don't even get to give me a warm smile, I would push them away before.

He was walking away when I remembered I wanted to add something.

"Oh and Brad?"

Now he was looking at me, brown meets blue.

"Thank you!"

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