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Liana's pov

"No~! Can we please go back home?" I shouted to Naomi."Nope,Plus we're already here." She said while dragging me inside.I really didn't want to audition in front of strangers. This is Bighit's first audition for girls and BTS is going to be there.I took a deep breath and got my number from the desk. I was 25 and Naomi was 26. I looked at her with my best puppy eyes " Can we switch numbers? Please~" She just ignored me like I was water on her white shirt.

The wait was really long and my confidence is getting lower as we move forward. I really want to pass and not pass at the same time. After the wait, I was next.The song I chose was Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. But I picked the original,which was in Japanese.
"Oh gosh!Kill me now." I kept thinking because I can see the boys and Naomi giving me thumbs up. As I was singing I was looking at the judges and the boys. They were taken aback with my prefect Japanese pronunciation and voice. When I finished they clapped and complimented me. I thanked them and left because Naomi can get really shy when I watch her.

~After Auditions ~

Naomi wanted to treat me for milkshakes. I happily agreed because she was going to pay for my bravery in that basic audition room.We got our milkshakes and went home. We talked about the other people who auditioned on our way. I told her that there was a couple of girls I was very curious about.

~2 weeks later ~

I recently got a email telling me that they sent us our results. I was waiting for Naomi to get back from work to open the envelopes. After a hour or so,she walked through that door and I rushed to her."Whoa! It came already?"
she asked with exhaustion in her voice.

"IM READY TO OPEN IT!" I shouted in her ear. I opened mine neatly while naomi ripped hers open. I was glancing at Naomi while reading mine. Her smile faltered as she finished reading. When I read the last sentence of my paper it said:
CONGRATULATIONS LIANA.K YOU ARE PART OF THE BIG HIT FAMILY! YOU HAVE TO START TRAINING IN A MONTH. I was really happy and couldn't stop smiling but I remembered about Naomi.
She wouldn't be with me or in the same girl group.When I looked up at her, She started smiling at me. I looked at her eyes and it was watery.

"Congrats Bffa! I'm so proud of you!"She said with a hint of sadness in it. I don't know how she can smile with this kind of news."But Naomi your not going to be with me and I have to start in a month an-"
" Don't worry about me. Go live your dream but you better update me and give me tickets to your concerts." She said while throwing it away.
"Anyway, do you want pasta? I got it on my way here." I agreed and went to our room. I don't want to leave her but i have to. I work part-time in a small cafe while Naomi has 2 jobs. We live together since we wanted to both leave our parents and be free. At least when I leave I won't be a burden to her anymore.
"Liana! Get your butt over here! I ain't going over there!"she yelled. I'm not even that far from her and she's yelling at me."Naomi..Shut the hell up! You are so loud. Remember what the neighbors said about being loud. We can't afford to be evicted again."I explained to her.

"I know, I know I'm just used to being loud around you. Anyway since you passed I totally forgot about buying you a slice of a red velvet cake at publix."I looked at her hands and there was a slice of cake. I didn't even notice that while I was lecturing her.
"Thanks you didn't have to but where is your slice?" She looked at the ground and laughed. "I dropped mine on the way here.I'll be fine unless you eat the pasta first."
I laughed and ate my food. While I was eating my cake I saw Naomi getting ready."Where are you going?" I asked her. She was off from her second job today.
" Umm..just going to take a walk. Don't worry about me and get a goodnight's rest." She then got her keys and left. I'm not trying to be nosy but I'm just looking out for her. GEEZ!

Tale of  Double LivesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz