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Naomi's pov

As I closed the door, I let out a shaky sigh.I never lied to Liana until today. I felt guilty but I had to do it.I quickly looked in my purse and looked for my wallet. After I counted my change, I went to the only place that's close to the apartment, the liquor store. I know it's bad to make drinking a way to take away your problems but I like the burning sensation it gives me.

I went inside and greeted the cashier and got my little plastic bottle of Jim Bean. When I got out of the store I started my journey to JYP Entertainment. I want to make people know my name and feel loved again.

~Back Story to explain the love again part~

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I shouted as I took off my shoes.When I looked around there was my Mom with a couple of bottles."He left because of you!" My mom kept screaming and shattering photos of us. I ran up to my room and cried myself to sleep.

Ever Since he left, my Mom became
worse. She became an alcoholic, and started abusing me. I know she doesn't mean it. It's just the drinks that's making her like this. I take the pain because It was my fault thar he left.I was thinking about myself and not notice that my parents were killing each other,each and every day that passed. One day at school I was getting sick of my life and went up to the roof of my school. I was looking down and about to take my last breath until a random girl came up and pulled me back. I was so surprised and sad. I realized that I was just about to end my life and go down the cowardly way. I started bawling my eyes out while hugging the girl. "Please don't ever scare me like that Naomi." She told me. I was confused. "How do you know my name? I don't really talk to people anymore." I sniffled. " You don't remember me huh?"She giggled. I chuckled a little even though I didn't know what she was talking about. I don't remember much since I moved. I was just a abused loner looking for something in my suicidal life.
After that incident, I started to open up and remember my long lost childhood best friend liana. Whenever my mom, was passed out on the couch after beating me. I'll always sneak out and go to Liana's house. It was the only safe place to go.
~End of backstory~
I was in front of the building. It's now or never! I thought. I went straight to the receptionist and asked for directions to the auditions. When I made my way there it looked like they were finished. I was about to turn back until I heard a loud voice."HEY! We got one more!" I turned back and see Got7's Jackson pointing at me. I was embarrassed being put on the spot like that. I glared at him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the center. I was face to face with Got7. My knees gave out and I went straight to the floor. I can't handle being stared at for so long or else my body just malfunctions. Bambam quickly picked me up and they all apologized. I accepted it and also said sorry. Then the manager coughed to get our attention." Hello miss. I would love for you to start your performance." I nodded and got into place.
~after the little performance~
I stood there looking at my shoes and breathing heavily. I sang, rapped, danced and did cute poses. If I don't get in then I'm hopeless. When I was about to start tearing up, I heard jackson wowing and being extra. The group started clapping and dabbing? I looked at the judges and they were talking to each other. I was eyeing them with the last of my hope. They finished talking and stamped a paper.The manager got up and went to me." Welcome to the company Naomi. Glad to make you part of us." He smiled and I returned it. I got my schedule and I have to leave in 3 days for training. I was shocked at the sudden move. I didn't want to see Liana's sad face but it's my dream. I was on my way home when I remembered about the liquor. I took it out of my purse and looked at it. For some reason I saw my mother's face. I quickly threw it out. I don't want to be reminded of the dark past no more. When I got home, it was time for liana to go to bed. I was off tomorrow so we can have a fun day for ourselves. I quietly opened the door and I see liana in a chair looking dead at me."Where were you?" She said with no emotion. I was scared of her when she gets like this." I-I told you already Lili. I went out for a walk." I said while playing with my hair. She looked at me with a disgusted face."Your lying. Tell me now Naomi." I looked around and decided to tell her.
Liana's pov
I was so disappointed in Naomi. She lied and she won't even tell me. My biggest fear is Naomi going back to her old self. I was the only one who could understand her and take her to places she never been at when she goes to my house. I finally changed her ways to a bubbly and playful personality. I thought I finally got her to be herself but now my hard work is fading away." I went to JYP and auditioned!"she said quickly looking down. I never knew she was this shy. I also didn't know she had the courage to go alone and audition without support." Well, did you pass?" She looked at me and nodded. I went up to her and hugged her tightly. She always told me she wanted to show her mother how much she grown without her support. She wanted to punch her father for making her life shitty. I want to, as well, but we need the money." When do you start training?" I asked, to see if we have to leave at the same time." I have to leave in 3 days... Call big hit and ask them if you can go early to train." She ordered. I yawned and went straight to our room."I'll do it tomorrow. It's past my time." I can't believe she got in JYP. We might be rivals.

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