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Naomi's voice brought me back to realization. I looked at kookie for help but he just gave me the "I don't know" motion. I glared at him and thought about something.
"Hey~ BFFA. How's life?"
"Oh! Very uneventful if I tell you. I was just umm.. reading a book you recommended me to read a couple months back." I just rolled my eyes and kookie was about to laugh. I quickly hit him and cover his mouth." Liana I'm sorry but I have to go. My phone is dying." I said good bye and hung up first. My eyes began to sting, and within seconds, I was crying. There are two reasons: she lied, and I'm happy she got a boyfriend. She would always tell me how much she wanted one. I came back to the real world only because, Jungkook was comforting me. Just thinking about it, made me ecstatic.
"How about later today, we can do something together, to uh... get your mind off of things? I mean.. If you uhm.. Want to.." He turned red, and his ears did too. Stop doing this to me little boy. I have butterflies because of you.
"Sure, sounds good." Please throw a brick at me, I feel dumb for letting that escape my lips. I stifled in a laugh because of how dumb it was.We began to walk back to where the girls were. It was getting really hot because he was really close to me and, I was nervous. I let my left hand fall to my side because, it's the cliche way to do things. I shit you not, I tripped over nothing and he caught me. OMG the butterflies return for revenge~.
"Thanks. Although, falling on my face doesn't sound too bad." He smirked mischievously at my idiotic response. Now this is the Golden Maknae we know and love.
"Well if you say so." He let go of my hand. {Is this how I'm going to leave the earth? Having an ultimate bias let thy fall on thy face?} Lucky for me, I caught myself by doing a cartwheel. Beat that physics, I just defied you. I thank the internet for teaching me, and 'determination'."Why? Just—nevermind. But, I'm going to make sure that you fall. Somehow, some way." I stood frozen and didn't know where to go. If there's anything I hate more in life, its going to be chased by someone. I will cut a bitch, *cough*Jaehee*cough* if I have to. I spoke too soon because he ran after me, and I bolted the hell out of there. Nope, deuces. We began running all over the place, from one floor to another. I gathered up so much adrenaline, that I felt like nothing could stop me. Until, I saw Yoongi looking upset and he was coming after me. So, I turned back around but, Jungkook was over there. I looked toward my right and saw a dead end.However, there was a door. Maybe I could lock myself in, and not get murdered by a cursing thunderstorm. I waited until both boys were at a certain point. When Jungkook was close enough, yours truly ran to that door, and opened that door. Jungkook peeped Yoongi and ran to where I was."What the fuck are you doing here! This is my spot!" I whisper-yelled. He rolled his eyes and opened the door a little so we can see and hear yoongi."Hey Suga! Oh why do you look sad?" It was Yuna. He just glared at her."It's not my business but I care about you." I was getting closer to the crack to see. I didn't realize how close me and jk were. I blushed a little and pushed him away."I'm trying to see too."He pouted and got back to his spot. Our faces were inches apart. If one of us turn our head,There will be contact."Well I didn't ask for your care." Yoongi said and left Yuna. "I'll get him one day."Yuna began to smile and walk away.When she left we both came out of the cramped closet. "We just learned more than one secret" Jungkook started to jump."Well, we make a pretty good team. We should do this more often." I agreed with him.
~The next Week ~
It's been pretty hectic now. Me and Jaehee still don't get along and our debut is getting closer. We still have one more week. Everyone in the agency are running back and forth and being more strict. We couldn't even go outside because everyone is curious about the newcomers. We were working out and singing our new song.Then we met our stylists and makeup artists. They were very nice and they also do BTS's makeup and styles. We gave them our measurements and the concept of our song. The concept is a type of school thing and we're fighting for the same guy. I didn't make it just to let you know. We met other people that will be working backstage. We picked our in-ear monitor colors.I chose black for my ears and a white microphone.We finally had a little break until we had to practice our dance."Hey you want to get a cupcake from the cafeteria?" Yuna asked."Sure. Are the others going?" She shook her head. Finally some alone time with our leader. We got our cupcakes and looked for seats. We saw Jungkook calling us over. Yuna blushed when she saw yoongi on his phone and pulled me over there. We sat face to face with our favorites. I took a bite of my red velvet cupcake and it was delicious. I think my face made Kookie hungry because he asked for a small bite. I looked at him then my cupcake... I put my baby in front of him and he took a big bite. "What the hell! You said a little bite." I faked cried."Aww. I'll buy you another one someday."I frowned and continued eating. Kookie then pinched my cheeks. I swatted his hands away from me since I was still mad and embarrassed. Yoongi saw our little fight and looked a little down. Yuna noticed his sadness and started to cheer him up and pinch his cheeks."you looked like you wanted someone to do it to you." He took her hands and slammed it on the table." I do but I don't want you to do it." He left us speechless. He got up and took his leave. It suddenly got awkward. I was about to break the silence until Yuna said something."I'm okay,you guys can continue to talk and be cute. I'll be with the others."she said sadly and left. "I'm sorry Kookie for the disturbance.." He huffed."Hyung took it a little too far but she should've known what she was getting into." I nodded." I'm going to look for yoongi hyung." "Ok" He winked at me and started to fast walk to yoongi. I blanked out and remembered how Yuna might've felt. I quickly went to the bathroom and I heard crying in the stalls."Umm is that you Yuna?"she started to cough."No.FUCKING.duh Liana!" I was a bit taken aback. She never cursed around us before."Can you please come out!" I stepped back from her stall. The door opened to a depressed lady. She had makeup running and her eyes were red and puffy. I quickly hugged her."Everything is going to be okay. You know how he is. I advise you to find someone else so your heart doesn't keep breaking." She kept crying."I still love him. The more he pushes me away the more I want him. This is just giving me strength...Can you please forget about this moment and everything that happened?" I nodded and gave her some tissues and makeup to fix herself up.

Yoongi's pov

After seeing Jungkook and Liana talking and having fun with each other's presence, I felt empty. I really wanted to show off Naomi to the others but I'm scared about how our fans will react and The company. We kept it a secret but Jin and Namjoon know about it. When Yuna pinched my cheeks..it just felt really wrong. That's why I got mad at her. I'm not interested in her and I'll never be. I want to tell her that but she'll figure it out on her own. When I left the table I left the company and went over to JYP. They are very fond of me since I'm friends with some of their stars. When I entered the receptionist told me where she was. I only come here for her most of the time. I found the room and quietly went in. I see Naomi dancing and rapping by herself. I had a couple of questions of why she is alone but she was really working hard. I was watching her every move and memorizing her rap until she tripped over her own foot. She started to curse the hell out of her own foot and I couldn't hold in my laughter. She turned her head to the source and we made eye contact. I started to grin and I gave her so much kisses while she was on the floor."why are you like this today!" She started to laugh and kiss me. The kiss was very passionate until it got rougher. I pulled away."We can do it when we're alone and on a bed." She frowned and pinched my cheeks. I finally got what I wanted and it felt just right.(you see(σ≧∀≦)σthe joke)We talked for awhile and played a little."How's Liana? I miss her a lot." I hummed."She's very busy now. Jungkook really takes a liking to her. Overall, I think she is fine." She smiled."Thank god she is." She then sat on my lap."Babe! I worked very hard today. Please treat me."She whined. I know what she wants but I'm not going to give it to her."No" She playfully hit me and got up."Don't talk to me!"she said before slamming the door. I looked out the windows and there she was sticking both of her middle fingers at me. I giggled and ran after her.When I caught her I spanked her in front everyone and she was very red."that's what you get for sticking the finger at THE MIN YOONGI." She was about to yell at me until I kissed her."Hey Naomi did you finish..OMG SUGA!" Jung Minhee shouted. She is sirene's youngest. Also the visual,and a rapper/singer. Naomi pulled away and pushed me."THATS YOUR BOYFRIEND!" She continued to shout. Naomi facepalmed and told me to take care of her."Hi! I'm Naomi's boyfriend,Min yoongi." I introduced myself. Minhee looked like she was going to faint."Please don't tell anyone about our relationship." She nodded and started to bother A pissed off Naomi.She kept throwing questions left and right until Naomi told her to shut the fuck up. I'm so proud of her. She grabbed my hand and took me to the door. "I'm sorry babe but you have to go. You spent a lot of time on me when you could've made a couple of songs. I'm pretty sure the others are worried about you too."This is the part I hated the most." Sweetheart.. I wanted to come here and be in your presence. Stop thinking that you're just something I could waste my time on." I kissed her forehead." You just called me sweetheart!"she squealed a little and hugged me tight before I left. I really needed to see her today.

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