12//"No DUHHH"//

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Liana pov

So yesterday was..Interesting? Naomi and I were walking down the sidewalk, talking about dumb things. Cringey moments in life to be exact. There was a time when I told her to look at a rainbow, she couldnt see it. She was miles away from where I was. That's such a depressing moment in time, sarcasm is included.
"Why are we like this Liana?"

"In all honesty, I can't answer that." We got to her car and we drove to the boys' place. When we got there, Naomi pulled out the key to their place. I stared at her, questioning myself on how she got a spare key. Until, it hit me. It's obvious that Yoongi probably gave it to her, or maybe she stole one and made a copy. The list goes on. We got out and I waited for her to unlock the door. I shit you not, only two out of the seven were going bat-shit crazy to see us. The rest were welcoming us with tight hugs. The only confusing thing was, the boys looked like they were going somewhere.
"Did we come at the wrong time?" I can't believe Naomi was being sensible, about the current situation.
"Not really but, we're going to our fan-sign. You two can come along if you want." Naomi and I shared glances because of Hoseok's remark. Naomi crossed her arms.
" I'm sorry but we cannot go. Liana and I have to spend time together, and strengthen our relationship." Naomi said, while keeping her head up. I looked at the boys and, they were as confused as I was. It got really silent and it started to get awkward.
"Well that's great for the both of you but, we're going to be late." Yoongi spoke, as he was walking past us.He didn't even say bye to Naomi but, she was rather calm about it.
"Bye Liana and Naomi! See you soon and lock the door when you guys leave." Jungkook winked at me before closing the door after everyone left to the van. Before I can even let out a sigh, Naomi dragged me to Yoongi's room. I was in shock at how messy it was. There were tissues all near his bedside and he had dirty dishes by it too. His desk had his headphones, and his computer was still running.

"Sorry for the mess but, I think he's sick now." Naomi said apologetically while saving his work and turning off the computer. She started to rummage through his drawers and pulled out black high waisted shorts and a black crop top. She went to the closet and got a pastel pink jacket with a flower crown.
"Wear this now." I looked at her and she had a creepy smile.
"Its not my style. Can you get me pants or a dress with flats?" She shook her head at my statement.
"I need you to wear this." I hesitantly grabbed the clothes and got ready in the bathroom. When I finished getting dressed, I was shocked at how good I looked. It felt a little uncomfortable to be revealing so much skin but, I felt confident. I got out the bathroom and i see Naomi in a short strapless dress, with a pink flower pattern and white flats. She looked different with a dress on.
"I don't know how you can walk in flats! Its like I'm wearing nothing." She said with hatred. She finally took a good look at me and started to hop.
"You look FABULOUS. If someone saw you now they wouldn't even recognize you. You need some makeup and sunglasses...OH also a mask." She said happily. She went into Hoseok's room and found a black mask and then, she went into Jin's room and found a pink mask. She handed me the pink one.
"I wanted the black mask. Plus, it matches me better than you." She laughed.

"I needed something dark and you already have a lot of darkness on you, Miss Death." For her information, I like wearing black. We went into Namjoon's room and found some of his sunglasses.
"Wait. Now that I think of it, aren't we stealing from the boys?" Naomi said before walking to the bathroom.
"Are you fucking serious?" I shouted. She nodded.
"No DUHH! But we'll give it back to them." I smiled.
"Now i just need to get you some shoes." Naomi went back to Yoongi's room and I stayed in the living room. She came out with black studded combat boots.
"This is my baby. DONT hurt it." I rolled my eyes.
"How come I never saw you wearing this outfit before?" I asked with curiosity. She sucked her teeth and tied my shoelaces.

"I'm not allowed to wear that sexy outfit because of dipstick Yoongi. He says
"OH they show too much skin! Return it!" Naomi mocked angrily. I laughed and she got up and started to get into a fighting position.
"You wanna go?" She said while bouncing. I stared at her and she stopped." I forgot to tell you to let your hair loose. Do that while I'm going to do a bun." Letting my hair loose, is a big mistake. No pun intended because it's super curly.
She ran to the bathroom. When she finished, she looked like a sweet girl but when you look at me, I look like a total boss. We were complete opposites.

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