11//"Or else."//

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Liana pov

I went into the gym Thats in the building, I found the girls waiting for me. I was inflamed with anger, I wanted to punch something, anything. I looked over at Yuna, she kept walking oddly. I know the exact answer. As I was stretching, I see six guys walk into the gym. It was Bangtan, all except Yoongi. I've never thought Jin and Namjoon would come. I pretended like I didn't hear anyone call my name. I decided to listen to music, after I stretched. I did curl-ups, burpees, and weights. Usually when I get mad at one person, I push all my anger out towards other people. I moved towards the very back of the gym. That way, nobody can find me or talk to me. In two days, it would be the comeback for BTS. I'm so pumped, but still so agitated. I sat in a corner, and closed my eyes. My mind went elsewhere, I lost complete focus on whatever troubled me. I heard the door swing open, and two voices.
"Sorry I'm late guys. If it's okay, I brought Naomi." Where I was, I could see perfectly well. Even if I was so far back. My eyes trailed to Yuna, she was mad. I got up and slowly walked towards her. She was going to do something, I was intrigued on what.
"Why is this bitch here? She doesn't even belong here." I forgot that Nari and Jaehee, don't have a single clue on what happened between Yoongi, and Yuna. I saw Naomi walking just as odd as Yuna. Don't tell me she and Yoongi fucked. I will be so disappointed.
"Oh right. IM the bitch. Says the one who forced my boyfriend to fuck with her." Naomi finally retaliated against her. The boys, and the girls were so intimidated. Yoongi didn't step in, its best if he doesn't. I moved just a tad closer, there was silence. Jungkook looked at me, and had worry in his eyes.
"Don't ever open your mouth again you slu—"
Yuna tried to hurt Naomi. However, I bitch-slapped her.
"Yuna, darling, you're the hoe. Not Naomi. So don't ever disrespect her again. Or else."

"Or else what? I'm the leader remember? You're nothing without me Liana. Don't forget it." I crossed my arms and scoffed. Is she serious? The only reason she became leader, was because nobody wanted the spot. I wanted to hurt her again, I was stopped by Jaehee and Nari.
"Leave. You're nothing but a mistake Yuna. I knew Nari would've been a better leader. You disrespected Naomi, Liana, and Yoongi. They're all older than you. I can't believe you did that, with Yoongi. You disgust me." Jaehee was crying, Yuna tried to consult her but she failed. It only made matters worse. This is probably the first and last time, I ever cheer up Jaehee. But I didn't even get a chance to. Jk got there before I did. My blood is boiling more than ever. I picked all my stuff up, and proceeded to the door.
"You need to fix this bullshit. This isn't even my problem, I'm sorry Naomi. I can't help." I kept walking until, I reached that same room jk and I were in a few weeks ago. I smiled and moved on. I walked back to the vacant room, I couldn't walk past it. When people do dumb shit that doesn't make sense, it irks me. I opened the door and turned on the light. I was surprised to see a blue box, with stacks of crumpled up revisions beside it. That wasnt there before. I walked forward and dropped my stuff at the desk. None of these things were in here. After all, it IS a vacant room. The gift was nicely wrapped. The first thing I see is: 'From Jaehee' with a heart next to her name. Who is this for? I began to go haywire, and look all over until I saw the name and who it's addressed for.
"To...Jungkook.." Oh hell~ no. I don't want to see or be in any complications. I've had enough. I had an urge to open it, I felt like it was wrong so I didn't. Until, I DID open it. Inside the box, there was a bracelet that had a matching equivalent. One had her name, the other had his. I found the note that she made. Im already in this deep, I can't stop now so I read it. Its a cute message to him, I don't like it. In case you haven't noticed, I get extremely jealous very easily. I placed everything back the way I found it. I got my stuff and left. With a melancholic aura, I walked to the boys' room. I love how they're so caring and cheerful. When I opened the door, I didn't know why but, I was pissed. I guess anger overpowers sadness. If this isn't upsetting, I don't know what is. Jaehee was all up on jk. By that, I mean she was sitting on his lap, and she was facing him. I'm going to cut a bitch.
"Uh..Jaehee? W-Why..c-can you get off me please?" He was so hopeless, I found it funny. I suddenly remembered, Jaehee doesn't know about our relationship. However, Nari and Yuna do.
"Hold my stuff." I walked over to the pair, and confronted Jaehee. I pushed her off, and pulled Jungkook by the collar. I pulled him into a passionate kiss, I looked at her and saw she was mad. The boys were taken aback, and I felt triumphant.
"What are you doing?! He's mine!" She tried to slap me, I grabbed her wrist and pushed it away.
"You make me laugh. Did you know that we've been dating for some time now? I can't believe you're taking after Yuna. You can't be a hoe, that's why jk wasn't interested. He's taken by ME, and I guarantee you, he doesn't like thots." Namjoon and Tae were snickering.
"Also, I've seen that little blue box you had. It's cute, but not worthy of a confession. Next time, be aware of the world around you. Who am I kidding? There won't be a next time. You see that door? Go and take your leave." She cried and got up.
"It wasn't my intentions, Yuna told me to give him the box. She told me to do what I did. If I didn't, she would hurt the one I loved. I'm sorry Liana, and everyone else whom I've inflicted. I'll be off now." Everybody was taken by surprise. Yuna? Why is it always her? I'm getting really tired of this bitch. As if we don't have enough problems already.

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