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"Alpha what are we going to do?" I could hear Reese talking to me, but it was like there was a cloudy barrier separating us, muffling his voice.

"Robin?" Alex was speaking to me now. His hand was on my thigh. I could feel it, but it was like my leg was numb.

"Members are leaving left and right, going rogue with Blake." Reese continued. He sounded frustrated and lost, but I couldn't bring myself to calm him. "Moral is quickly lowering. No one has faith in you as an Alpha. They're chasing after Blake because they think he's a better Alpha than you."

"Robin, it's no good if no one believes in you as an Alpha." Alex was talking again, but his words were slowly fading away to be replaced with a quiet ringing. "You have to do something..."

I think I'm in shock. A lot has happened in the last couple of days and I think my mind is finally catching up to everything. It was shutting down, blocking it all out. I couldn't process anything. And Swift Wind was fucking MIA; he was who I went to when I felt like this. Goddess, I haven't felt this way in...in ten damn years.

"Swift Wind?" I called out as I retreated deep into my subconscious. Even my voice sounded feeble, like a scared child.

It was like I was in an empty room with the lights turned off. The inside of my mind where I could usually find Swift Wind was dark and desolate. I couldn't sense his presence anywhere, no matter how hard I tried. Not even his aura lit up when I switched vision.

"SWIFT WIND!" I screamed, letting out a blast of power that lit up the area.

Empty. White. That was it. As if he never occupied space in my mind, my soul, in the first place.

I began to run. Run and run and run aimlessly. My face was hot and wet with tears, and my chest heaved with panting breaths. I was still screaming for Swift Wind, and I knew I would scream myself hoarse until I found him. Panic swirled through my body, my heart beating erratically. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to fix this. And I needed to fix this. Swift Wind was a part of me. He was my soul. Without him, I'm nothing. I would probably be...dead, if it wasn't for him. He gave me the power, the courage, to keep my head up and keep going. He was my wisdom and my patience. I wouldn't have made some of the decisions that I've made in life without him to guide and council me. There hasn't been a day in my entire life when I couldn't rely on Swift Wind.

"Fuck! Ow..." I hissed as I crashed hard into something, falling to the ground.

Glaring upwards, I blinked and frowned when I found nothing there. I reached out and my eyes widened when my hand met something solid. There was a wall or barrier there. I had been running in the darkness, so I didnt even see it coming. Pressing my hand flat against the wall, I used a little power to zap it. The wall lit up a familiar opaque gold. However it wasn't just one wall. It was several connected together to form a box. A cage. And Swift Wind sat in the middle of it.

"Swift Wind!" I called, standing and slamming my hands on the barrier.

The whole thing vibrated from the force of my hands and Swift Wind's head shot up to look at the ceiling before dropping down to look at me. His expression filled with surprise and joy, and next thing I knew he was in front of me. He was talking rapidly but I couldn't hear a single word he was saying. It seemed like he soon caught on because his words died off and he glared at the barrier.

I pressed my body against the barrier, desparate to get closer to him. He did the same on the otherside. We were the same height--and, now that I thought about it, he had died only a year older than I was now, making us at least physically the same age--so it was easy for us to lock and hold gazes through the barrier.

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