Chapter 4

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After dinner, all five of us sat crowded around Leon's conference table. 

The intake of information was almost overwhelming for me.  I knew more or less what the Collectives were and what they did, including the fact that they received orders from the higher ups, unanimously titled "Management". 

They created the "Collectives", units of exactly five people that work together to complete tasks and undertake operations dictated by them. Apparently Collectives were thusly named because according to Management it's a collective effort, a cooperation, and everyone had to work together in order to succeed.  

Being told these people were practically my new family and that they were supposed to have my back, wasn't very reassuring as I was pretty sure more than half of them hated me. 

 I was also told that Collectives, always had 5 people like there are five fingers to a hand, and that "Management is really into that philosophical, hidden meaning bullshit" which was a tidbit courtesy of Elias. 

And of course there was the "Pacesetter", which was the equivalent of the leader, responsible for everyone's wellbeing in the Collective, and were personally appointed by Management as they saw fit. 

 I could tell Leon chose his words carefully when he explained to me, what exactly it was that the Collectives did. There was no denying it was some pretty sketchy stuff; anything from retrieving drugs, money, government information, to killing off an enemy. Anything that Management needed done. Dirty work. 

 No one else in the room was bothered by this, perhaps they were already used to it. 

More importantly, once you joined, you never left. This was a lifetime commitment, a sworn to absolute secrecy type of deal. Management were very strict about that, if the rules were broken and you decided to go rogue, they would get people to hunt you down. Still, the benefits outweighed the cost, and given all these conditions, still many jumped at the chance to join, even died for it. Through initiation, it was ensured that only the best were allowed in. Once you were in, anything from money, information, or power could all be yours. 

Lastly, Collectives were spread out through the country. In our city, there was only one other Collective and we did our best to stay out of each other's way. We aren't allowed to be in contact unless Management allowed it.

By all means Leon seemed to be a great Pacesetter, and there was an authoritative quality about him that all great leaders had. I could also tell he truly cared about all of us, and even Elias and Dravin knew it, and respected him for it. 

 The other girl's name was Reina, and she was the newest recruit after me, only having been here a month. Her forte was hacking and according Leon, hackers were necessary in any Collective, as they made everyone's life much easier. I tried to catch her eye a couple times, but whenever our eyes met she'd look away quickly.

The rest of the meeting, Leon discussed tips and tricks during standard operations. I had a feeling that was more for my benefit because Dravin looked angry, and didn't speak a word the whole meeting, and Elias had completely zoned out.

Finally he opened up the folder from Management, to hand out people's assignments, and I could see Elias's eyes flare with interest, even Dravin and Reina were paying attention.

"So there are three new assignments," Leon explains. "Depending on the level of difficulty, I like to have more than one person on each. Usually we split into pairs unless it requires more people."

Three files were laid on the table and we all scanned the contents of it quickly, the first involved stealing drugs from a local drug dealer, the second was the death of a corrupt government official and orders to drain his bank account. The third was the one that caught my attention. The location was in a nearby research facility, and two doctors, twins, had created a type of serum, and gained relative fame for their work. We were supposed to steal the serum and any information related to their experiments. Odd.

"Are you up for one tonight, Ashlinn?"

I was caught off guard by the question. Tonight? 

I nodded, and hoped the apprehension didn't show on my face. 

"Great, since it's her first time, I'll take her on the first case, to show her the reins." I'd felt nervous, but relaxed slightly, when I heard Leon was coming as well. If there was anyone I wanted with me on a mission to score illegal drugs, it would be him. 

Leon continued on, deep in thought, " The research one is a bit more complicated, and will take longer than one night to complete. I think our first course of action should be to set up a bug in their lab and secure hidden cameras there, so we're familiar with their routine." He looked over at Elias, "You are the most capable for this, and I want you to be in charge." He took a breath, "You'll have to take Reina with you to set it up."

"I'd rather work alone -"

"This is not up for discussion." Leon's tone was final, "You will take her, and you will keep her safe. I trust you."

Elias's eyes narrowed.

Leon continued, "You know how important she is."

"Right." Elias drawled looking over at Reina. She was looking anywhere but at him. If possible she seemed even more uncomfortable around him than I was.

"As for the government official, that one can wait until tomorrow, after I've done some more research on him. Dravin, you can take this one, and either I or Elias..."

"I want to go by myself." Dravin's tone was gruff.

Leon clenched his jaw but didn't argue, "Fine."

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