Chapter 21

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Sighing, I agreed to his request and followed him into his other home. 

The interior of his home was very different from the sparse and minimalist look of our shared apartment. Everything looked luxurious and eye catching, from the mantelpiece of a silver wolf howling at the non-existent moon, to silk throw pillows, and dark colors that spread across the wall. The main color scheme seemed to be black and gray, tinging the atmosphere of the room with an ominous feel, especially with the curtains pulled tight, so no sunlight would stream in.

 I was a bit chagrined to note that his home smelled just like he does, a hint of something fresh like clean laundry and some expensive cologne that gave off a heady scent.

Elias led me to his couch, and I sat across from him, suddenly fidgeting nervously. I tried not to freeze frame unless it was absolutely necessary, because a part of me was scared that if I used it too much it could change me somehow.

Deciding what to do, I got up from the couch and walked a few paces away and turned back to look at him, and found him watching me expectantly. "Place your hand out," I motioned and he followed my lead. "Keep your eyes on me and don't look away." 

It felt weird to say that when before, all I wanted was escape from his stare. As his eyes met mine, I didn't have the urge to break away and I stared back. 

What I was about to do should've been easier because for once I wasn't in an urgent, life or death situation, however it still took me a few seconds to calm my heart enough to start. Once everything had frozen, it was like nothing had changed- the room was just as still and silent as before, only the fact that I couldn't see the rise and fall of his chest told me that time had stopped.

Forcing my ridiculously slow hand toward my head, I plucked the embroidered flower clip from my hair and started my slow progression toward Elias. I was particularly fond of the small pink clip; I had found it in a nearby corner store.  

 It was only a few steps before I was right in front of him. He was close enough that I could reach out and touch his face, or even kiss those bow shaped lips, and he would never know. I recoiled when that thought popped into my head. Gently, I placed the fragile clip into his large hand, before I took a seat next to him and unfroze everything.

As if waking up from a sleep, he blinked a few times before looking down into his hands in wonder.

"I never saw you move from that position." he spoke his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah, thats how it works." I grinned, he wasn't so nonchalant about it now.

Suddenly, a question popped into my head, "You are the first person who has conciously known about what I can do, when I used my ability. Were you able to tell when it happened?"


So that was how I spent my afternoon, testing these hypotheses. I would stop time and place random objects in his hands, or move to a different location without him ever seeing me. 

I had practically thrown all caution to the wind at this point, if I my ability hasn't changed me yet, using it more probably wouldn't hurt. Elias also asked me about my limitations and I told him that I had trouble using my ability for long periods of time, and when I saved him in the storage unit it was the longest I'd ever kept my hold, as well as the fact that my heart needed to be calm or it wouldn't work. 

Explaining the act of pulling the ability from within me and then keeping hold of it until it became so taunt it snapped back was a little hard to put into words, but I tried my best.

"Have you ever tried to do this in an open space, like outside?"

I was caught off guard by his question, "I've...never thought about it before. The only times I've ever needed to freeze frame was indoors."

"I guess, we'll see." he said and grabbed my wrist leading me to the open field of uninhabited wild grass on the other side of his condo.

I was a bit more hesitant here, what if this didn't work? 

My eyes wandered toward Elias and he gave me a reassuring look. Oh what the hell, might as well see what happens now rather than later. Sucking in a deep breath, I let the feeling of energy flow through me as I pull it from deep down, but something felt wrong. 

I kept pulling and pulling but it was like digging a hole only to have it slowing fill up with sand again, erasing all of my progress. I pushed through this and concentrated even harder, willing the world around me to freeze. 

For a second, I thought I could see the trees around us stop swaying, before a stinging blast of pain shot through my body and my vision blurred. My legs felt boneless and I began to fall forward but Elias caught me before I crumpled to the ground.

"Ashlinn, are you alright." His voice was close to my ear.

Out of breath, my voice sounded faint even to my ears, " That was harder than I thought it would be"

"I might have pushed you too hard today." he said his brow furrowed. Was it me or did he actually sound worried.

My vision was still fading in and out and there was a mild cramp in my stomach, but I knew I would be okay once I had a chance to recharge.

"No, it's not your fault. I wanted to do this."

Elias carried me to the passenger seat of his car even though I insisted I was capable of walking. When we arrived home my legs were so sore I could barely stand, as if I been running for miles.

 Something suddenly struck me, what if using my ability was like working a muscle. If I trained it and practiced it, maybe I could improve my ability timewise or make it stronger than it was now. The idea had never occurred to me before because I was too scared to use it until I was in trouble. 

I'd keep this in mind and when I had time, I would practice.

"Hey, we should do this again sometime, I think it could really help me improve my ability and I would be much more useful to the Collective."

"Maybe if I have time." his dismissive answer made me pout. Of course he had to be an ass, I knew this day was too good to be true.

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