Chapter 7

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We'd only been gone for three hours.

 When Leon and I got back to the apartment, Elias and Reina hadn't come back yet. Only Dravin was home, but he'd made himself scarce. 

Leon gave me a little tour of the place, and it was pretty big. Big enough that five people could live together under one roof without clashing or even having to see each other, sort of like an enlarged dorm. All the bedrooms were in the same hallway, and mine was the one to the farthest left. I noticed that the color scheme throughout the building was similar, plain white walls, simple or bare decorations that were always in earthy tones. My room was no different, the queen sized bed lay in the center, and beside it was a desk and some drawers. 

 Leon was about to show me the kitchen, when sounds of loud clanging came from the front door. 

 Leon hurried outside to see what the commotion was, and I followed. My eyes widened, as I took in the scene at the doorway.

 Elias was carrying an unconscious Reina in his arms, and with his tall stature, she looked even more frail and tiny in them. There were some cuts and scrapes on Elias, but otherwise he seemed fine; Reina evidently was not. I could see the remnant of dry blood near her temple. 

In a flash, Leon was in front of him, with a murderous look on his face. He grabbed Reina's body from the other male, and placed her gently on the couch, checking frantically for injuries. When he deemed her, somewhat all right, he got up and punched Elias in the face.

Recovering from the hit, his eyes sparked, and he reared forward, but stopped himself at the last second, almost as if restraining himself from hitting the blonde back. "What the hell?" he growled.

"What happened?" Leon demanded angrily "I thought I told you to protect her, or do you not listen to my orders anymore."

I honestly wasn't sure what was going on. I saw Dravin from the corner of my eye, and from his face, I could tell I wasn't the only one confused.

"We were blindsided on this one. Apparently, these scientists have hired an entire small army to surround the building, and we barely managed to get in at all. When we were inside, I told her to stay put but she wouldn't listen. My back was turned for five seconds and she had run off to get better access to their main computer, without me. She was caught by one of the men, before I got there."

 His voice lost some of its edge. "Don't worry, I checked her for injuries, and made sure she was fine. Just a concussion, nothing she can't bounce back from."

Leon almost sounded resigned, "And the bugs, are they in place."

"We managed to complete the task."

Leon nodded.

As if he just now realized that I was still here, Leon turned to me. "You should go get some rest, be ready for school tomorrow." 

Noticing my look of confusion, he elaborated, "Since you and Elias are the only ones still close enough in age to pass off as high schoolers, you'll be attending. Stay under the radar. There's another operation involved, Elias can fill you in tomorrow." His words were terse, and I felt a little hurt; I had been dismissed. 

I glanced at Elias, he didn't look too happy either. It was true I never graduated, but I never thought I would have to go back to high school ever again.

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