Chapter 8

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Too wired with nerves to sleep well, I was awake at the crack of dawn and I didn't even try to go back to sleep. Getting ready, I cleaned myself up, took a shower and put the sun dress back on, realizing that was actually the only wearable piece of clothing I had right now, and I didn't even know where Leon had gotten it from. I was desperately in need of new clothes.

Last night, Leon had told me that Elias would drive me to school, so now I had to wait for him to get up. The apartment was silent, no one else was even awake yet. Guess I'll be spending more time alone with the enigma that was Elias, apprehension buzzed through me like static.

With a yawn, Elias emerged into the kitchen adorned in sunglasses. Seeing him stand in front of me, I saw that he was at least a head taller, definitely above 6 ft. Last night was chaotic, but now I had a chance to really look at him again, and I could see a slight bruise on his jaw from yesterday.

Everything about him was striking and intense. One way or another, it wasn't a face anyone would forget easily. Not with his strong features and sharp jawline.

 I felt even more nervous when he had the sunglasses on, covering those eyes. Now I couldn't tell whether they were looking at me, but I had a feeling they were. I could just imagine those cat like eyes of his watching my every move, studying me.

Shaking myself out of the reverie, I motioned to the table, offering him the food I had made for breakfast. It was the least I could do. Without speaking, he dropped down on the chair and started wolfing down the food. 

Guess he wasn't one to turn away food, even if it was made by someone he seemed to dislike. With a roll of my eyes, I sat down beside him to eat.

Much like himself, Elias drove a car that stood out like a sore thumb. He revved the engine of the maserati and drove so quickly, I was worried we'd crash before making it to school. 

We didn't speak. The silence between us was oddly tense though. I didn't even ask him about the mission we were supposedly on. Once we arrived at Valley Oak High School, he just got out of the car and left me. No explanation, no acknowledgment that I was even there, nothing. I watched his backside as he crossed the school parking lot toward the campus. He even brought a backpack, and it was slung carelessly over his shoulder. 

I on the other hand, had no backpack and not even a pencil to my name, and was feeling pretty lost. Oh what did I expect, it's not like he would suddenly care about me, or start acting like Leon. Feeling bitter about being ditched, I walked toward the office to get my schedule.

First period was Human Geography, I walked in and the first thing I notice was Elias sitting in the back of the room, just my luck. I went up to the teacher, showed her my schedule, and she directed me to one of the seats. The ladies in the office had taken pity on me, seeing as I hadn't brought anything, and let me borrow a pencil and a notebook. 

As class started, the first thing the teacher said was, "Mr. Holden, please take off your cap."

"No." it was Elias's voice. My jaws dropped, was he seriously making a scene right now? What happened to staying under the radar? The morning had barely started.

"And why not?" 

"My hair is messy, I don't think people should have to see the mess that's under here." his voice was absolutely emotionless. A couple classmates giggled. Was he being serious right now? Maybe he got a kick out of defying authority, who knows.

"Take your hat off, I won't ask again." there was a note of warning in Mrs. Perry's voice, and finally he took the damn thing off his head. His hair was fine. Other than being a bit disheveled, he looked like he always did, his raven black hair curling against his temple.

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