Chapter 5

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I sat in the passenger seat of Leon's Buick as he drove to our destination. It was late, but I wasn't tired at all. I snuck glances at him while he drove, studying him. In the darkened interior of the car, his hair seemed more brown than blond.

He looked young, only a few years older than my 19, and I wondered what it was like to have so much responsibility at such a young age. His eyes were chocolate brown, and warm every time he looked over and caught me staring at him. I blushed, looking away quickly though he doesn't say anything.

 If this weren't my current situation, and I'd seen him anywhere else, I would be infatuated. Screw that, I was practically already crushing, and the fact that I had time to think about my love life at a time like this, was really a testament to his kindness and good looks.

Distracting myself from that thought, I asked a question that had been bothering me since we were at the apartment. "Do you know why Dravin seems to hate me so much?"

It looked like he was expecting this question but also looked a little sad and resigned. "I don't think it's really you he hates, more the situation."

He continued, "Do you know why you joined our Collective?"

I shook my head.

"Management wants there to be exactly 5 members in each Collective, when one, perishes, for lack of a better word. They are replaced by new recruits like you."

Something Elias said earlier comes to mind, "Was it Val?"

"Yes, he had been with us for a long time, but he died on assignment. Dravin and Val were best friends, practically brothers." Leon looked so sad, but I was at a loss for what to do. "He blames me, and he is right to. I'm in charge, I call the shots and I'm responsible for everyone. Dravin doesn't like the idea that anyone can replace Val."

"I don't think you should put that pressure on yourself. How can one person be responsible for everyone? They all made their own decision to join the Collective."

"That's what being a Pacesetter means, but I'm okay with it." He's the one who gives me the reassuring smile.

"So there's no particular reason why Elias dislikes me, is there?"

"Elias is like that with everyone. He can be tough to handle sometimes, but he is the most skilled. He's been here almost as long as I have, and if nothing, he's very loyal. I would trust him to have my back. He isn't someone you would ever want as an enemy, though."

"Why is that?"

"He is Management's prodigy child. He never went through initiation, he was pulled from the underground fighting rings, and immediately offered a place in the Collectives, for his skills in martial arts, and hand to hand combat." There was almost a fondness to Leon's voice.

 "Are we going to have to kill this drug dealer?" I asked as we pulled up into an underground parking lot. If we were were going in to steal from the drug dealer, I doubt that they'd just hand over their supply.  

"Well, it depends on whether or not he cooperates with us. Don't worry, this guy is just a small time dealer who got lucky." His voice was detached.

This drug dealer probably wasn't a model citizen, but I still searched within myself to see if the idea of killing a person, affected me. I wasn't surprised that I didn't feel anything either. 

I was just beginning to understand that my new life wasn't black and white, and learning how far I was willing to bend morality was just the tip of the ice-berg.

Before we got out of the car, Leon reached behind his seat and pulled out a dress, motioning for me to put it on. It wasn't a fancy dress or anything, just a simple summer dress with pink floral print.

"Where are we going exactly?"

"Usually when we're asked to retrieve drugs, they are always located in pretty seedy places, but not this time. This idiot is living it up in a luxury hotel, with the money he just acquired, and the drugs we're after? They never leave his side. Put the dress on; we don't have long."

I looked down at the torn black t shirt I was still wearing; yeah, this probably wouldn't cut it. When I look over I notice that he was already wearing slacks and a white dress shirt. Obediently, I put on the dress, and he looked away to give me privacy. I'd taken a quick shower back at the apartment so most of the grime and blood was off my face, but my usually straight, back length black hair looked unruly. I tried to untangle it slightly before giving up and stepping out of the car.

The parking garage was dark, and only a handful of florescent lights gave off an eerie glow. I was reminded of initiation, but this was different, this time Leon was here. He motioned for me to stay behind him as he kept a grip on a dangerous looking handgun with a silencer screwed up to the end. As we drew closer to the elevators, a couple of muscular men materialized from the shadows and behind cars to block our entry way. They stood in a defensive position, and some held guns of their own directed at us, while others had bats in their hands.

Leon acted fast. Without hesitation, he shot the man closest to us in the head and they dropped to the ground with a thud. As the others advanced, he put bullets into two other men before evading another's blows, and ducking shots taken at him. I stood frozen in shock as one by one they had been dispatched, lying on the ground, their eyes still open but unseeing. None of them had even gotten within a few feet of me. I suddenly wished I had that amount of bad-assery.

After it was over, Leon walked back toward me, "If this is the drug dealer's only line of defense, he wouldn't have survived long anyway." 

Surprisingly, he linked my arm through his, giving me a half smile. "I hope you know how to act." 

TransfusionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora