Chapter 16

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What I had learned from last night left me edgy and sullen the next day.

I'd made up my mind, I had to know why those scientists had my information, because in the pit of my stomach I knew this was no coincidence.

After what happened with Reina and Elias, I anticipated that it wouldn't be easy, nearly impossible to infiltrate the facility, but if it came down to it, I had my ability. That had to be enough to get me in, right?

Be it dangerous, or reckless, no one was talking me out of it, this was something I had to do, and do alone, if I wanted to sleep well at night.

I wandered the apartment with a restless energy I didn't know what to do with, thinking about how I could possibly sneak out at night. No one noticed my odd behavior, although Elias glanced at me weirdly a couple times. I wasn't even completely soothed by the presence of Leon like normal, although when he looked at me, I almost blurted out everything that I had been keeping inside. 

I kept my mouth shut, but a tiny part of me wanted him to figure it out, wanted him to ask me if there was something wrong, because if he had, I would have undoubtedly spilled everything, but he didn't.


The hall was silent, as I walked through our apartment. I hadn't even made it to the living room before, I began to rethink my plan, but I forced myself to continue. Lights would expose me, so I relied on the moonlight streaming in through the window, even though it compromised my vision.

I nearly shrieked when a dark figure approached me and slammed their hand against the wall near my head, leaning in.

I was face to face with Elias.

He'd trapped me against the wall, towering over me, and I didn't even need much light to see that he was glaring. His beautiful features furrowed into a look of agitation and exasperation.

"What the hell are you doing?" he demanded.

Shit, I'd been caught, so why did a part of me feel so relieved?

"That's none of your business."

"So you wouldn't mind if I woke up Leon right now?" His body was so close to mine I could feel his body heat and I felt like prey trapped by a predator, and there was nowhere to escape.

I sighed, either I told him where I was going, or risk Leon's disapproval, and I could already see the look of hurt on his face if he thought I had gone behind his back.

"I'm going to Aero pharmaceutical," my words rushed out breathlessly. "There's something I need to find, but I can't explain right now." I bit my lip waiting for his reaction.

I couldn't even revel in the fact that I had managed to shock Elias, a person whom nothing seemed to faze.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Tell me you're not crazy or suicidal, did you not hear what I said before, those damned bastards practically have a small army guarding that building." he growled.

"Look, I have my reasons, alright. Now if you'll just get out of the way.."

To my surprise he did.

"You didn't think I would let you go alone did you? I may not be the nicest person, but even I wouldn't allow you to walk into your own death. And of course, there's Collective protocol and all."

My eyes widened, oh no. I'd already told him too much, I couldn't risk him knowing more, however, if I rejected him, he'd stop me from going. Even the fact that he was entertaining the idea of allowing me to go, and not alerting Leon immediately was a miracle in itself.

"Fine, but we're leaving now."

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