Chapter 11

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The night was almost over, and I had barely touched my pizza. 

I was relieved that everything had been uneventful so far, but the night wasn't over yet. Just as that thought had crossed my mind, Sander got up and headed for the bathroom, alone. I grew alarmed, and looked over at Elias and he gave me a nod, and got up to follow him.

 If I weren't so tense, I would have laughed, we had been reduced to following a person's every move, even to the bathroom. I'm sure Elias wasn't amused though, but that thought just made it funnier. 

My eyes narrowed when I saw three men walk to the men's bathroom. They were dressed like regular teens but looked older, and had the bodies of buff football players. What really tipped me off was their expression, which was completely blank except for their eyes which roamed around the restaurant as if they were searching for something; definitely suspicious. 

Quietly, I followed behind them, and paused in front of the door. The three had already entered, but I hesitated, wondering if anyone would think it was weird that I was going into the men's room.

 Oh screw it, I thought and pushed through the door.

 There was a burst of activity in front of me, as my eyes adjusted to the bright fluorescent lights. Elias was taking on all three of the men, and there was practically an all out brawl going on, right there on the dirty tiled floor.

 It was the first time I had seen Elias in action and I was captivated by his graceful power. His muscular arms flexed as he performed each blow, and he was light and agile on his feet, running circles around his three opponents with a fluid ease. He weaved in and out between the men, and was so fast that sometimes all I could see was a flash of his raven colored hair. When the first man, had had enough, he ran out of the bathroom, and the other two followed. Before Elias gave chase, barely even out of breath, he growled at me, "Deal with that." and pointed at something under the sink.

I turned to look, and just then remembered that Sander was also in here. At the moment he was a frightened mess, and was curled up on the ground, looking ashen. Slowly, using the most calming voice I had, I coaxed him out from under there; he was still shaking, but I thought I saw color returning to his face, clearly he recognized that the danger had passed.

"Who were they?" he whispered.

"I don't know."


After I made sure he returned safely to the table, I ran out of the building, looking for Elias. I didn't have to search far. Right outside of the restaurant, in the shadows of the side alley, the sounds of fighting continued, although it seemed quite one sided. 

It looked like I wasn't needed, he was more than capable of handling this, but the longer I watched I realized that Elias was playing with these guys, almost teasing them. Each time he had the chance to take the knockout blow, he didn't and let the men get back on their feet, even if they were growing increasingly weak. Unlike Leon, who's dispatch was clean and efficient, Elias dragged it out, and he looked like he was enjoying himself. I didn't know whether to be impressed or horrified.

Finally, growing bored, he took out two of the men, until there was only one left. The man was in a vulnerable position, and Elias could have easily taken him out, instead he looked at me, "He's all yours. If we're doing this together, I should at least have the decency to let you participate."

I didn't know who was more astonished, me or the hired hitman. He looked like he couldn't believe his luck, he thought he had been spared, already discounting me as an obstacle to his freedom. 

That pissed me off, and I was about to wipe that look off his face with my foot. Even in this weakened state, he still had some fight left in him, and his strength worked to his advantage, but my size worked to mine. His arm clipped my shoulder, but I dodged the rest of his blows, and gave sharp kicks and hits, to places that I knew would hurt, his stomach, his shin, the back of his knees. Soon he laid unmoving on the ground just like the other two. I made sure to land an extra kick to his face.

As soon as I turned around, I was tackled to the ground and pinned there. I heard the sound of what could only be bullets whizzing by, near me, and I could also feel Elias's heavy body right on top of mine. My heart sped up like a motor within my body, beating just as quickly as Elias's heart which I could feel against my chest, and for a second I couldn't breathe.

 Feelings and sensations battled within me, fear over the bullets, and a restlessness I couldn't name. Was Elias leaning closer toward me? 

"Stop looking so scared, I'm not going to maul you here in public." he murmured. His voice was dry, clear of all emotion.

"Then get off me."

"Gladly." Elias rolled off to the side, and pulled me up, pushing me toward the adjacent wall of the alley next to Parker's Pizza, and followed. I knew it was the safest place to be if there were any more bullets.

Elias was preoccupied with looking for any signs of a sniper on any of the buildings nearby, but whoever they were, had already left.

He then proceeded to look at me, almost as if he were looking at a puzzling riddle that he couldn't figure out. "The shooter was targeting you specifically. Any idea why?"

Shocked, I shook my head unable to speak.

"Looks like someone has a reason for wanting you dead. Come on, let's head back, Leon should know about this."

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Deep down, I knew it had to do with my abilities, there was no other reason for wanting me dead. Whoever was chasing me, had caught up.

Back in the Maserati, I debated how to say, what I was about to say next.

"Thank you, Elias, for saving my life back there." I got out awkwardly.

"I was merely doing my duty to the Collective, besides," he grinned, "I don't think my pretty face could handle another blow from Leon."

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