Chapter 17

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For someone who had gotten no proper explanation or even given a half decent reason, Elias seemed quite willing to walk into the face of danger, again, no questions asked. 

That was fine by me.

Getting to the research facility of Aero Pharmaceuticals was the easy part.

Before us, an intimidating glass building expanded skyward, and smaller, interconnected buildings were strewn around the courtyard. The place spoke of wealth and technology, down to the iron fence that surrounded the perimeter, and the modern walkways that bisected the manicured lawns of the courtyard.

"So what's your genius plan?"

I glared at Elias, of course I didn't have one, but I wasn't going to let him know that. Before I could answer, he spoke,"You should be glad you brought me, I know a way to get us in."

As he steered me toward the side entrance of a peripheral building, I had to admit he was right. If I had gone alone, I would have gotten lost in the many halls that looked disturbingly similar, and have absolutely no idea how to make my way to their main office. 

Elias, however, having been here once before, and also looked at the security footage, with the cameras we set up; knew the fastest way to get to our destination, without being caught by any of the guards. 

We raced down flights of stairs and inched along cement pathways, always staying close to the buildings, pausing to keep out of sight as a muscular man with a flashlight continued his path, and making sure we couldn't be seen from the main courtyard where even more men lay in wait.

 Elias urged me to go first, and he stuck closely behind, checking to make sure we weren't being followed, his hand lingering on the gun he kept at his side. Whenever I started going the wrong way, he would grab my shoulder and wordlessly push me in the right direction.

Once at the entrance, Elias set to work disabling the high tech lock. Within minutes, we were inside and my first attempt to look for information was in the heavyset cabinets leaning against the wall. They were made of wood, and unlike the door, these had old fashioned locks on them. 

With a sharp pocket knife, I managed to open it and skimmed through the files- there were a lot of them. Stacks of papers were color coded, and categorized. Lucky for me, they were also in alphabetical order. As I was looking I didn't miss the fact that Elias was leaning over my shoulder, entirely too closely, and watching my every move.

"Can you go watch the door, I'm afraid someone might catch us in here."

Eyes passed over mine, assessing. He knew what I was trying to do, and he was allowing it. He walked over to the door we had entered.

"You have five minutes."

I found my name on a bright blue file, and my mouth dropped open when I saw how many papers were inside. With horror, I glanced at the contents of several pages, and realized that my worst suspicions had been confirmed. My breath was catching in my throat and I wanted nothing more than to break down in tears, as I continued to read. 

Those two men were no ordinary scientists, their serum not as simple as it was made to seem either, and apparently I...I was just a damned, inconsequential lab rat, some sort of experiment.

 A failed experiment at that.


Hearing Elias say my name brought me back to reality. I would have to deal with this shitfest of emotions later. For now, every life shattering thing I just learned was pushed into a small corner of my brain, and put on hold. I could sort it all out when my life was no longer in immediate danger.

I took as many pieces of paper as I could carry, folded them, sticking them into the folds of my thin sweatshirt, and motioned for Elias to lead the way out.

Before the two of us had even taken a few steps out the door, and were once again under the night sky, I heard a soft whizzing sound close by.

 I spun my head around searching for the noise but saw no one; it was then that Elias had stiffened, and with jerky movements he pulled out his gun and and took two shots at the air above us, before falling to his knees, cursing through clenched teeth. 

Gasping with alarm, I reached forward to help him, and noticed that there was something sticking out of his neck- it appeared to be some sort of tranquilizer dart. It must have come from above us, and I looked up to see the shooter on top of a building to the left of ours. By now the hooded figure was lying prone, and his arm were dangling limply off the ledge of the structure, as blood began to drip down the building garishly, staining the glass. 

Even in his condition, Elias's shot had been accurate.

Others must have been alerted to our locations because soon the courtyard was filling up with various men in uniforms. Well crap. 

We were about to be surrounded, and Elias was still lying immobile on the ground, encumbered by the dart. His eyes were struggling to stay open but kept fluttering closed. With the last of his strength he pushed his gun into my hands and told me to run. Panic had begun to settle in now, yet I still couldn't move, staying rooted to where I was, kneeling next to Elias.

Who was the crazy one now? I couldn't just leave him here, the fact that he had even considered the idea was...

It was too late anyway. Before I could reach for the gun, or move at all, one of the men had stormed up to me and with a particularly hard strike to the temple, I was out.

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