Chapter 20

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The bruise on my head would have been hard to explain, but luckily no one asked.

 In fact, these past few days it felt like Leon was so busy, I barely spoke ten words to him, even if I wanted to bring up what happened, there wouldn't have been time. I missed him. Reina and I grew closer though, whenever I passed by her in the house, I always tried to make some small talk with her. 

She was the only other girl in the house, and sometimes I missed having that kind of friendship. I thought she had started to open up around me though, just the other day, I asked her about herself, and she told me that she came to this area about a few years ago. Reina also mentioned that she grew up with a brother and sister, and when she wasn't hacking she loved to read. I considered asking her why she wanted to join the Collective, but I was afraid she might be offended by something so personal.

Even though a couple of days had passed since the incident of that night, something about what had happened still bothered me. They took my blood; what could they possibly need it for? The suited man said that he was there to do a task for the two scientists, was that it? Getting a bag of my blood? I stayed up all night thinking about it but, I never came up with anything plausible.

I was paired up for another operation with Elias. Though we never spoke about what happened again after we left the beach, something between the two of us had shifted, after I confided in him that day. 

The assignment was a standard one, and I was so wrapped up with my own problems, I let him handle most of it. I could tell he was distracted today as well, he didn't even insult me when I misread the map and brought us to the wrong location.

When we had completed our job, I expected Elias to drive us back, but instead he turned onto a different road, and drove until he reached a small condo near the edge of a large empty field. When he parked, Elias turned to me, "Will you show me?"

I knew what he was talking about without being asked. The fact that he brought me here, when I didn't know where here was, had me miffed though.

I tore my eyes away from his handsome face and looked out the window.

"Tell me where we are first."

Elias chuckled and replied, "This is my home away from home."

"Wait, you have another place, other than the apartment?"

"Yeah, living with you people gets overwhelming, and sometimes I need a break."

"Does anyone else know about this?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm willing to bet everyone else has alternative places to live too, I know Leon does. As crazy as it sounds, Management does allow us to have vacations now and then, and most don't want to spend those few days cramped together in that tiny dorm when there is no necessity."

This was news to me.

"Until now, no one knew where my place was located, so you should feel special." he chuckled.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Again, I surprised myself by realizing that I actually felt comfortable around Elias now, maybe it was the constant exposure. I still remember trembling when he was anywhere around me those first few days- looks could really be deceiving.

"I brought you here, because no one will be able to disturb us."

The words would have made me blush, but I knew he only wanted to see my ability. I did owe him that much, if I were him, I'd want proof what happened that night wasn't some kind of fluke.

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