Chapter 18

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I woke to cold, gloved hands grabbing at my arms and began to struggle instinctively. 

It was a man in a nurse's uniform with a medical face mask obscuring any recognizable features, and when I saw the needle connected to a tube in his hands I panicked, screaming, and tried to squirm out of the chair I was tied down in.

"Get away from her!" 

It was Elias, and he sounded furious. When I looked up I saw him bound in a chair similar to mine, a feet away from me, with guards on either side of him, trying to keep him from struggling. 

When he wouldn't stop moving one of them slammed their hand into Elias's face, and he spat back at them, glaring with hatred.

Helpless, I watched as the needle pierced the skin on the crook of my arm, through my vein, wincing at the sensation. Dark blood flowed through the tube and into an empty pouch at the end of it. 

They were drawing my blood, and I was horrified and growing dizzy as more liquid left my body.

A few minutes later, the needle was removed, and we were left alone- the creepy nurse, along with my bag of blood, and all the guards left the room; everything was eerily silent. 

Finally I looked around to see that we were in what looked like a large basement. The room was bare except for our chairs and a table a few feet away from us. The walls were cement, most likely sound proof as well, and there was only one doorway, which meant that was our only escape.

"Ashlinn, are you alright?" his voice was urgent.

He had bruises on his face, and blood dripped from his mouth but he seemed okay, the effects of the tranquilizer must have worn off.

"Yeah, I think they-"

Before I could finish, a man burst through the doors with a bang, and strode over to us, followed by four guards, two of them were the ones who had antagonized Elias.

"I can't entirely say it's good to see you again, Elias." The man who had entered the room spoke with a forced nonchalance and bravado. There was nothing extraordinary about his appearance, with his nondescript brown hair, and expensive suit. He would look like any regular business man if not for the cold sneer on his face.

"I would assume not, because the last time I saw you, you were on your knees begging me not to take your pathetic life." Elias said scornfully.

I was half afraid the man would kill him there on the spot.

"There will be no begging today, well at least not from me." The man barked a laugh, "The tables have turned, now you're under my mercy." His smile was all teeth.

"You sure have fallen far if you are now playing lackey for those two scientists."

At Elias's words, the suited man's eyes narrowed. "I wouldn't expect you to understand, you don't even know the half of it, but those two are the revolutionaries of our time, and when they succeed, I want a piece of that pay out."

Deliberately, he walked over toward me, and I leaned back, away from him, as far as my chair would allow me to.

"It's true I'm here to do a job, but they promised to let me have my fun as well."

Twisting my head to the side, I flinched as his rough hands came up to grip face. I struggled not to whimper.

"Leave her out of it, this is between us." Elias said sharply.

"It would be such a shame to pass up a girl as pretty as her, but since I'm in a generous mood, I'll tell you what, if you give me something in return, I'll spare her."

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