Chapter 25

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I was fidgeting in my seat all night while Leon debriefed us on the newer information we received for the Aero pharmaceuticals assignment, through the cameras we installed.

Elias was sitting next to me, which I was glad for, because I didn't feel like I was facing everyone down alone.

When I caught Leon's attention, he motioned for me to talk and I took a deep breath before I began.


When I 'd finished explaining, I didn't miss the look of disappointment and hurt in Leon's eyes.

I waited for him to say something, anything, but he stayed silent.

Instead Dravin spoke up angrily, "What the hell! How do we even know she's telling us the truth?"

"It's true, I've seen it." Elias said, daring Dravin to argue with him.

"You knew?" Dravin looked accusingly between the two of us. "Do you know how much trouble she could get us in, with Management? We should have reported her a long time ago!"

Elias's eyes flashed, "Settle down Dravin. Ashlinn is part of our Collective now, and she's in danger, we can't just abandon her."

"What are you, her bodyguard now?" The other replied his voice full of disgust.

The only person who didn't seem fazed was  Reina, which made sense since she was the one who showed me my name in the Scientists' files. she probably suspected it would be because of something like this.

Before Elias and Dravin could get into a full blown argument, Leon interrupted, "We are going to figure this out, without reporting anyone to Management. Now that we have new information on the Aero case, we need to focus on finding a new strategy. The situation has changed and what I planned for us to do, won't work anymore."

"They'd see us coming a mile away, because they want Ashlinn. Those bastards are probably working to track her down, right now." Elias agreed.

"I'm going to make them pay." my voice was quiet, but full of conviction. Leon looked at me in surprise, "Those aren't our orders. We're only supposed to take the serum and their research."

Looking at me, Elias responded "You heard what those scientists did to her, those assholes deserve it."

"They are bad people," I added, "and they shouldn't be allowed to hurt anyone else."

Derision apparent on his face, Dravin retorted, "When has being a "good" or "bad" person, ever been taken into consideration in our line of work. We follow orders. Stealing the serum and research, that's in and out. If we do what you're suggesting, that could be a confrontation that costs lives."

Elias's eyes narrowed, "I don't remember you being such a coward."

"Enough!" Leon said glaring at the two of them. "Touching those two scientists might not have been sanctioned by Management, but we may not have a choice anymore. They know we're coming, so in order to get the serum their execution might be necessary."

He sighed, "However, there are still a lot of factors I need to consider, and until I figure it out, we won't be doing anything." 

After Leon dismissed the meeting, he looked toward me. "Ashlinn, I need to speak to you privately."

I felt Elias's eyes on me as I followed my Pacesetter into the other room.


"You could have come to me with this earlier, why didn't you?" the disappointment was still evident in his voice. I was at a loss for words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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