Chapter 6

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We entered through the side door, but the splendor of the hotel's main lobby wasn't any less beautiful. Glass chandeliers glittered on the ceiling, and the area was caste in a warm yellow glow, accentuating the immaculate marble walls and colorful murals off to the side.

The lady at the front desk didn't bat an eye at us, and Leon proceeded to put his arm around my shoulder, "We would like to book the honeymoon suite." 

He leaned over and kissed my temple to sell the act, I didn't say anything but I could feel my face becoming so red, I was half afraid the lady would find it odd. She didn't, having probably seen many couples come through here. After Leon finished registering with a fake identity, and what was probably a stolen card, she handed us the key, smiled at us politely and told us to enjoy. Yeah if only.

Once we were in the spacious elevator, he dropped his arm and moved away from me. 

 "How are we going to find this guy?" I said, anything to fill up this silence.

"The drug dealer doesn't seem big on modesty, and with people like that, I'd be willing to bet he's in the biggest suite, and there are only one of those in this hotel."

Instead of the honeymoon suite, we made our way to the top floor, and knocked twice. 

There was no response, but we could hear heavy footsteps behind the door, and deep muttering voices. Expertly, Leon moved his gun so that the end pointed against the door, and he moved it into the correct spot, before pulling the trigger. 

What followed was a loud crack, a muffled scream, and a loud thump. 

"Your friend may be dead, but I know there are two of you behind there. Open the door now, or the next bullet goes in your head."

When the door finally burst open a few inches, Leon was ready. Quickly, he stuck his foot through the doorway and wedged it open wider, revealing the two buff looking guards.

 One of them was already dead, having dropped to the floor and bleeding out through a bullet wound in his throat.

In the next second, when the other was still adjusting his weapon, Leon had blown their brains out, before they could even utter a sound of distress. 

 Crimson red splattered the pristine carpet, the contrast in color was like the brightness of fireworks, on the canvas of a night sky. I blinked in horror, and disgust, but no sadness or sympathy flowed through me.

"I didn't know guns could do that." I said looking at the bullet holes that had gone through the door. 

"This one is special." He replied, looking proudly at his weapon.

Stepping over the bodies, we entered the luxury suite. It was practically an apartment, equipped with a living room, a large kitchen, three adjoining bedrooms, and a glass door leading to a balcony.

Whoever was in here must have heard the disturbance, and was nowhere in sight. I followed closely as Leon ventured into the master bedroom. Immediately, I spotted someone crouched in the corner of the room, as if willing herself to disappear. It was a girl, clad in a tiny bikini, her cleavage practically falling out. There were black and blue bruises all over her body, and her makeup dripped down her face in tear streaks, as she shook from fear, having spotted the gun in Leon's hand.

"If you know what's good for you. Leave. Now." Leon said motioning toward the door. Sobbing, the blonde fled out of the room, without looking back.

We both noticed that the door to the adjoining bathroom was closed, he must be in there.

"Ashlinn, his things are all in the room, look for a briefcase or a bag, anything that could contain the drugs. You'll know it's the right one because the powder has a green tint. I'll deal with this bastard, you look for the drugs." 

He headed for the bathroom and I picked through his things. All I found were clothes, a lot of cash, some cigars, but no drugs. I even looked under the bed and pulled back the covers, to no avail. I could hear yelling coming from the bathroom and sounds of struggle. 

In minutes, Leon came out with a man in tow, who looked worse for wear. He was a wiry man, probably in his thirties, with yellowing teeth, and shrewd eyes. There were bruises on his face, and blood gushing out of his left leg. He groaned and spat curses at both of us, but he knew he was overpowered.

"It would be in your best interest if you told us where you kept the drugs."

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about." He groans.

Leon jammed a finger into the bullet wound in his thigh. The drug dealer screamed, and struggled, but Leon doesn't let up.

"Where are the drugs?" he asked again, patiently.

When the man stays silent, Leon moves to shoot him in the other leg. I saw the nervous, sweating man glance up at the head of the bed before looking away quickly. He still didn't speak, and was shot in the other leg. More blood spurted from this newly opened wound, and he shrieked in agony, turning a sickly shade of grey from blood loss. I was quickly getting sick of the color red.

Walking over to the head of the bed, I splay my fingers on the pillow, and to my surprise, it feels like it's filled with sand. I rip the cloth open and see bags of white powder, tinted a light jade color. Bingo. "I found it." I told Leon and he stomped over, dragging the body of the drug dealer with him. After nodding his approval, he drops the man onto the ground. 

"Scum like you, who abuse women, shouldn't be allowed to live." there was no warmth in his voice, and he proceeded to shoot the drug dealer in the head. 

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