Chapter Five

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I watched as she walked to her front door. As soon as she walked inside, I drove back to my house. I got home and when the car was parked, I grabbed the gloves and stuffed them in the pocket in my hoodie. As soon as I was situated, I walked inside. My parents were still in the living room watching one of their favorite shows that I could care less about. I walked passed the couch where they were sitting. Then my mom asked me the one thing I actually wanted to hear.

"Ben?" Mom asked.

"Yeah mom," I replied.

"Could you do the laundry please?"

"Sure thing."

Perfect, now I could sneak the gloves into a load of laundry without my parents even noticing the bloody gloves. I started the load of laundry along with the bloodied gloves, taking the knife out first. I walked upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed, thinking of what happened with Lysander. I thought about if it were to happen again, I want to be able to keep track and plus true serial killers have some sort of evidence. I rummaged blindly through one of two boxes of my stuff. I felt something sharp cut the palm of my left hand and man did it cut quite a bit. I pulled my hand out, whatever cut me cut across my entire palm. Luckily, the cut wasn't deep enough for stitches but it still bled a bit. I walked quickly to the bathroom that was just down the hall. I searched through the cabinets and found the rubbing alcohol and gauze. I held my hand over the sink, cleaned and wrapped my wound. It didn't sting at all like it should for any normal person, for I'm not normal. After everything was done, I walked back to my room, fully opened the box and I found the culprit, it was one of six throwing knives I had gotten last summer vacation of 2013. I pulled them out and continued to search the box for something else. That's when I found a yearbook from last year. This will be perfect. I flipped through the pages to find the page with Roman's picture in it and I put an X through it with black permanent marker. I just laid on my bed and watched as time went by. I took care of the laundry when it was done. When I got back to my room, I had realized something I had missed. The knife, if somehow the police were to somehow trace Lysander's death to me, they will check for the knife. I have to get rid of it. I placed the knife in a little wooden box and I had shoes in my room. I looked at my window.

Stow it under the house, Jason said. There's a spot where it will fit and it will be easy to get to.

It would be the smartest idea, plus if you want keep evidence it should be there, Jay added.

There was a way back up to my room if I were to sneak out. I slipped on my shoes, opened my window. I grabbed the box tightly and as carefully as I could, I slipped out of the window. I looked for the spot under the house that Jason was talking about. I found a loose board in the underside of the house. I moved the board, placed the box inside and moved the board back. I then climbed up the metal trellis back to my window. Afterwards, I just laid on my bed for the longest time until I checked my phone and it was ten o'clock. My parents were surely in bed by now, they both have to work around seven seven thirty. I walked downstairs and went into the living room. I sat on the couch and watched tv for at least half an hour when there was a knock on the door.

I'm sure it's just Shawn or Angel dropping off the paint, Jay suggested.

What if it's the cops? Jason asked. What is Ben going to do then?

We will all figure it out.

I got up and walked up to the door. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door to find Officer Tim Ramstoke at the door. I know who he was because my mom has been good friends with him since college.

"Hello Officer Ramstoke," I greeted him. "What brings you here this late?"

"We found the body of one of your classmates," Ramstoke explained. "Roman Lysander. We have witnesses report that you were the last seen with him."

"What? Roman is dead? When did you find him?"

"We've just found him recently. He was killed up by Jake's Diner."

"Roman and I did get into a fight over a girl but surely that isn't a motive for murder. I was with said girl and a couple of my friends, Shawn, Raven and Angel."

"Well ok Ben, I'll take your word for it. I'll pay a couple of visits to your friends and that girl. What's her name?"

"Christina Greene, she's new in town, lives up at 32 Mallory Avenue."

"I see, well thank you for your cooperation and have a good rest of the night."

"Okay, will do Tim."

Officer Ramstoke walked to his car. Before leaving, he took one last look at me. I closed the door and went back to watching tv. I layed on the couch for what seemed like minutes. Soon, my eyes started to feel heavy. I was asleep, but that doesn't stop them from talking to me.

This is your fate Ben, you are destined to be Blood the Brestlewood Brute, Both Jason and Jay said in unison. You will kill out of love, out of care for those you care about.

Blood? Brestlewood Brute? I like that, I will only do this when I feel it is right. Do we understand?  

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