Chapter Thirty-Three

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Two months passed and I had seen that there was going to be a talent show the 25th. The band and I had practiced four songs for the show a couple weeks before. Then it came to the night of the show, everyone was pumped. We were waiting for our time to go on stage. The two performers before us were doing a cover of some song I haven't heard before ever. When they finished, they walked to where we were.

"Beat that Exiled Losers."

On that note, we didn't say a word to them as the curtains closed and we moved our stuff onstage.

"And now it's for the final act, the Exiled Union."

We were all set up and the curtains opened back up. The crowd was quiet, they were waiting. I stepped up to the microphone.

"Hey everyone, since we're last, we're allowed at least four songs so bear with us. The first song will be The Devil in I by Slipknot."

The song started and when the drums started in, I couldn't help but to bang my head to the beat neither could the others apparently. Then I started to sing the song and I never felt so lost yet in sync with the music before. Overall I thought I was doing good. At the end of the song, a good majority of the audience was applauding and cheering.

"Thank you so much. Now before we start the next song I'd like to explain something about ourselves. Our name 'The Exiled Union' comes from how we feel within this school and I'm sure others feel this way too. What I'm talking about is the feeling of being an outcast. Some of us it's because of how we look, others how we act, or even who you like or hang out with."

I looked towards Christy, who was still offstage, then back to the crowd.

"People have called me names and put me down, as some have probably done to you too. One girl has even been made fun of and taunted because she loved someone who was in their definition of unpopular. But that must end now, we must stop bullying in our schools. Because it doesn't matter what you look like, how you act, who you like or hang out with, you are still human beings who deserve equal amounts of respect and that's how you should be treated. Who's with me?!"

The whole audience cheered and clapped, it felt good to spread such words.

"Now are you ready for the next song?"

The crowd cheered more.

"Ok well the next song is going to be a more recent song, don't know if you've heard it yet but I love it. It's Reincarnate by Motionless in White."

The song started and immediately within a couple seconds I began to sing and everyone cheered. Everyone was doing great, Shawn, Oliver and Brittany on guitars, Angel on drums, and Riley on keyboard. Then within four minutes, the song was over and the audience was going mad, they loved us.

"Alright, well this is a lively crowd now isn't it well good thing we still have two more songs right. I'm going to hand over the mic to Christy and she's going to sing to you Mama Forgive Me by Porcelain Black."

The crowd cheered. I put the microphone back on its stand and walked offstage, meeting Christy halfway and giving her a quick peck on the cheek as I walked by.

"Knock 'em dead baby." I said.

I watched as she made her to the mic.

"Hey everyone, well you already know the name of the song so I won't get into that but I will say that this is dedicated to the feelings I have for a special someone and you all who know that is by now. But yeah, so here it is. Lights."

The stage lights dimmed and I was wondering what was going on because I don't remember talking about this. When the lights came back on, they were a little dimmer than they were and Brittany and Raven were accompanying Christy onstage. Backup dancers maybe, I thought. Did she really choreograph this? Then she started to sing the song and it was just as good as when Porcelain Black actually did it, I even thought that Christy was better. Soon enough the song finished, Raven went offstage, Brittany went back to her guitar and I was given a spare mic offstage.

"Okay, well I hope you enjoyed that song and if you didn't, oh well we got one last song. I think you may like this one as much as we did, it's also a more recent song than the others. It's Angel Eyes by New Years Day featuring Chris Motionless."

The others started to play and soon Christy started to sing her part. Then I walked out onstage as I began to sing my part, we then went back and forth until we finished. The crowd was cheering and clapping for us. I held Christy's hand as we raised them.

"Thank you so much," I said. "We hope to perform a lot more often."

Christy and I walked off the stage as the others got everything packed. We walked out the back door.

"Hey Emo Boy, you look thirsty," Paul said.

Paul had a bucket of water and tried to splash it on me but I moved out of the way. But that wasn't the worst of it. Since I wasn't hit with the water, Christy was. It was cold but I could feel my body heat up from the rage that was boiling inside me. I pushed him up against the wall by his throat.I wanted to punch him but I didn't. I held him there for about ten seconds then let him go.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled.

He ran off.

We'll see you soon enough, Jason said.

I walked over to Christy, put my hoodie around her and walked her to the car. We got in and drove off.

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