Chapter Twenty

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I picked up everything and put the dummy and tomahawks back in their place. I put the holster and throwing knives back in my room. I grabbed the mask and gloves. I then got in my car and drove off to Frank's house first. I got the right equipment for syphoning his gas out of his car. I syphoned enough to get him to the gas station. I then drove off to the gas station once again to head inside to the Freshie's part of the convenience store and ordered a pizza. I was told it will be about a twenty minute wait. I waited the time in my car and when I went in, it was really starting to get really dark. As I was pulling out, I saw Frank pull in with his car. I drove off and parked down the street. I slipped on the gloves, a black hoodie in the back seat and I put on the mask. I quickly walked back to the gas station. I stood there as I watched Frank walk into the gas station and pay the guy at the counter. When he walked out and made his way back to the pump, I made way up to him. He looks at me with a questioning look on his face.

"Who the fuck are you?" Frank asked.

"My name isn't important, my reason of being here is," I replied. "You fucked with the wrong person let's just say that."

"Oh really? And what is some random in a mask going to do to me?"

I threw a hard punch at Frank's face, followed by another and another. He fell to the ground and I continued to beat him until he was completely unconscious. I took the hose from the gas pump and started to douse Frank's unconscious body with gasoline. As careful as I could, I dragged him away from the pumps and Frank's car. I went to looked in his car for any matches or something. I checked the glove compartment and found matches. I walked back to Frank, struck a match and threw it. In an instant, Frank's body was engulfed in flames. I looked up at one of the cameras and just waved at it. I saw the man behind the counter freaking out and frantically reaching under the counter. He was going for the alarm. I flipped him off before quickly running off as fast as I could to my car and drove off.

I had never driven so quickly to my house before but I did now. Christy was going to start feeling a little suspicious.

Don't worry dude, Jason calmed me down. You'll think of some excuse.

Jason's right, Jay added. You've gotten this far, what's just a little further with the lying going to get you?

It was that Jay had agreed that got me thinking, was this really necessary? Do I really need to kill these people just to get my word through that I loved Christy and they shouldn't talk shit about her. I noticed how so far the people who I have killed are also the people who gave me problems in summer school. That's when I realized that they shouldn't say another god damn thing to Christy unless they want to be next. 

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