Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I was escorted to the courthouse and sat down at one of the tables with Kenway.

"All rise for judge Jackson Mills," The bailiff announced.

We all rose and waited for the judge to arrive at his stand.

"You may be seated."

We all sat down. I looked over at the other table and I saw another in a white suit who was being sworn in.

"Now Mr. Avery, if you may present your first testimony." Judge Mills said.

"Thank you your honor, well what can I say? A local boy killing six of his fellow peers, then turning himself. I can't believe it myself. I've heard he was such a gentle person but in reality, he was just a cold blooded killer."

"Objection your honor."

"Sustain your words Mr. Avery."

"Anyway it has been found by the police, in the possession of the defendant, there were a few pieces of evidence. There was a pair gloves to hide the fingerprints, a mask to hide the identity, and a knife to kill a couple of his victims. It is unknown where the bow and arrow had come into play in this but that's not the point. The point is that this young man that sits in this courtroom today has several pieces of evidence that prove that he is guilty of all charges, six for murder in the first degree and one for desecration of a human corpse."

"Would you have any witnesses to back up your statement you would like to call to the stand?" Mills asked.

"Yes, your honor, I do. A Mr. Alex Dudley, he claims he was there on the night of the murder and desecration of a Frank Fisher."

"Alright, Alex Dudley if you may take the stand."

That's when the clerk from the gas station walked up to the stand, swore in and sat down.

"Now," Mr. Avery started in. "Mr. Dudley, you claim you were working at the gas station where Mr. Fisher was murdered and burned, is this true?"

"Y-yes," He replied. "I remember seeing Mr. Fisher, just before the attack, he was just about to fill up his truck when a masked man had shown up and had knocked him out, dragged him away from the pumps, poured gasoline on him and lit him on fire."

Mr. Avery held up my mask. "Was this the mask?"

"Yes, that's the exact one and I remember that guy before the attack, he ordered a pizza and had put some gas in his car."

"You may step down now Mr. Dudley, there will be no more questions."

"Is that all Mr. Avery?" Mills asked.

"Yes, your honor I believe I'm done."

"Alright, Mr. Kenway, you may state your testimony."

"Thank you, your honor," Kenway stated. "Now what I have heard could only possibly be partially true. You simply can't accuse unless you hear the accused's side of the story. Now what I have in my possession is the footage from my client's interview, given to me by Officer Tim Ramstoke. I would hope that I could be granted permission play it for the court to see."


There was a tv brought out to the middle of the courtroom. And the footage was put through to the tv. The court watched as I talked about everything, Kenway would skip some points that weren't important. When the video was done, the tv was put away.

"And according to my client most of this was caused by his lack of medication that he believed he didn't need until it was too late."

"If I may say something," A random person in the crowd said. "I'm a psychiatrist and I believe that the behaviors of Mr. Ben Grey was not of a schizophrenic nature, sure he could say have 'voices' but the behavior and all these actions seem to cause him to have remorse, something a schizophrenic would, in most cases, would not feel."

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